🥀 red roses in june . . .

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☀️ Max, as you may know, is a humanized care bear named happy bear or as you may call it, cheer bear.

🌞 The boy, sadly, has a lower body temperature than most people, causing him to shiver even when the temperature drops a little bit. He would have to always wear sweaters no matter what type of weather.

☀️ Under no circumstances should the boy be sad or non-happy, please just give him love and support.

🌞 Max is too innocent and pure for this world in general, save him from the craziness before he gets tied into it.

☀️ He loves all types of holidays but his favorite is Christmas due to the smell of pine trees and the sparkles of the lights.

🌞 If it was up to him, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious would be a real word in the dictionary and he would use it everyday.

☀️ Yes, Max is gayer than gay. Get over it.

🌞 He has a little sister who he loves with all his heart and wishes nothing would happen to her when he's not around her. If something did happen to her, he wouldn't know how to live with herself.

☀️ All Max wants is for someone to love him, someone to care for him in a non-platonic way. And happily, he found that special someone.


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