Love Struck by my Enemy

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Hello, :) first of all I want to say I do NOT own anything from Harry Potter all of it goes to the amazing J.K. Rowling XD. I hope you enjoy, and sorry the next chappie will be longer :) Please comment, if you love it, hate it, or just want to talk :) <3

Love Struck by my enemy. ~*.~

Chapter 1

Hurt? Hurt isn’t even close enough word to how I feel right now. More like betrayed, pained, aguish, so much woe settles in my heart. What gives them the right? What gives them the right to just disown me like that? I mean I know I was different before all of this magic stuff, but I am still their daughter, at least I was.

See my parents hate anything or anyone that can make something happen with a simple word. On the other hand, I found it quite interesting. One of the reason to why I am different from them, but that doesn’t matter now because I had no choice to be interested in what my cousin is; do to the fact that I am one as well, meaning I am a witch. It’s hard to believe that two weeks ago I was a muggle, and now I’m sitting on a train that will take me to a magical school, a school that my family loathes. I can still see their faces in my mind. It was the look of disappointment. No child ever wants to see that emotion in their parent’s eyes. Don’t get me wrong I find it extraordinary that I am a witch. I always felt like I never belonged in their world, and most defiantly not in their family. I act differently by look at things in a different way, giving anything a chance, and I also look different. Long, curly, black hair and brilliant blue eyes, I may not look like them but I am; in fact, their daughter, but like I said I “was” their daughter. That was until one mysterious night when everything decided to take an unexpected turn.

It all started one gloomy morning, my cousin Harry was upstairs packing for his trip to Hogwarts, my stupid older brother sat in front of the TV, my dad red the newspaper, while mom and I argued over something ridiculous. I had gotten a B in chemistry and I was trying to tell her that it wasn’t so bad, but she insisted that getting an A wasn’t bad either. What is it with parents these days? They think the whole world will end if you don’t have all A’s in every class. So I just insisted that the pancake batter she was currently stirring to explode in her face, and wouldn’t you know it. One moment she was talking at the same pace she was stirring and the next thing you know she was screaming with batter drooling from her face. A little confused, I just shook it off thinking it had something to do with what she put in the mix, but my dad immediately pointed fingers at me. Not believing it they let it go; although, they most defiantly kept a closer eye on me. It wasn’t until one night they realized I was everything they hated.

We were all sitting around the TV while Harry survived us drinks; of course, I was the only one to say "thank you". Then just out of nowhere Dudley trips Harry sending him flying onto the floor. Anger washed threw me as I yelled at him.

“You brat don’t do that!”

“What are you going to do about it?” He mocks me. About ready to punch him my dad speaked up.

“OH come on Willow he is just having some fun.” More anger raged threw me. Quickly jumping off the couch. I could feel fire pulse threw my veins burning my flesh. Ignoring the pain I gritted my teeth and growled out.

“Harry wasn’t put on this earth for your entertainment. You guys are pathetic, I am sick to be your blood!” My voice grew louder with each word as if I was talking threw a Mic. Wind picked up heavily out of nowhere, blowing my hair around my face, the lights flickered and exploded sending glowing sparks into the dim room with each word starting from “to”. “To-BAMB- Be-BAMB-Your-BAMB-BLOOD-BAMB! BAMB!” Now we all sat in total darkness as I tried to figure out what had just happened. Finally cooling down my breath was the only thing sounding at the moment, when Harry lit up his wand. He looked at me with amazement, but I had a pained, dreamy expression upon my face. My flesh itched and stung, like the first time you run and the next day you’re sore.

My family huddled up on the coach looking at me with fear in their eyes.

“I-I’m-“I tried to speak but couldn’t find the words so I just stepped forward to be yelled at by my father.

“Don’t come near us you WITCH! You are no better than him.” He pointed towards Harry, and for the first time I realized the pain Harry had to go through, the pain of being different. I guess the magic genie didn’t decide to skip my family after all. Tears struck my eyes as Harry gently grabbed my hand and led me up to our room. Harry quickly packed my things, being we share the same room, but I sat on my bed in shock not lifting a finger.

“Harry,” I whispered through silent tears “I hurt, is it supposed to hurt?”

“I don’t know sweetie, it might be because you are not used to the power you managed to throw out. That was some very skilled stuff you preformed.” He gives me a reassuring smile. Harry always has a way of making things better. He is two months older than me and in away like my older brother. We have the same personality and looks. He takes care of me while I take care of him. He tells me stories of his adventures at Hogwarts, and I wanted so badly to join him, but not like this. Now all I could think about was what I had just lost. Maybe something good might come from it…

Well hello I really hope you enjoyed it I had kind of changed it a little and I hope everything was okay :) please comment, and vote.

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