Ray's POV I walk into the small bedroom that my brother lent me while I was here with Smosh Games. It wasn't much, but it was home. For the time at least. I lay on the bed and pull out my phone. I plug it in to my charger and open up my messages. Two texts from Damien and a text from Shayne. I open the texts from Damien first.
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'Anything for you? I'm such an idiot!' I think to myself. I look at my text from Shayne.
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I grab my back pack, my laptop, my headphones, my, phone and.charger, and my keys and leave my small apartment. I lock the door and walk to the elevator. I ring the button and wait for the elevator car. I walk into the elevator once it finally reaches my floor. I press the ground floor button and wait. While I'm waiting I check my phone. A text from Ian.
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I take a deep breath and step off the elevator. I walk through the lobby and down to the parking lot. I click the button on my keys to unlock the door to my beaten up Chevy. I get in and slam the door. I turn the key in the ignition and click my seatbelt. I start off down the road to the studio. I don't live that far from it. When I get to the studio, I park my car and hop out. "Lil' Ranna!" I hear a familiar voice shout from across the lot. "Damien!" I shout, running up and hugging him. I pull away, but he pulls me close to him. "How have you been sunshine?" I say. I giggle at my old nickname. "I've been fine." I smile at him and pull away. I look down awkwardly. He smiles. "Let's get you inside. It's freezing." He says, making me smile harder. I walk up to the door. Damien opens it up for me. This is....odd. I think to myself. I walk up the stairs and into the office where my brother usually is. Suddenly I am cascaded with rotten milk and eggs. I scream. I wipe my eyes clear. I am handed a towel. I wipe my face. I feel around for the nearest person to punch. I swing, hitting Damien in the jaw. I place my hands over my mouth. "I deserved that one." He muttered, holding his mouth. I look around for my brother. "You shit head!" I punch him in the arm and he falls backwards. "And I deserved that one." I smile evily. "It's ok brother. I forgive you." I say, giving him a huge hug. He pushes away. "And that one." He says. I smile. "I'll be back." I walk into the bathroom and clean up. I walk back in wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts I kept on hand in case I had to stay a night or something. Suddenly Ian walks in with a camera. I flip it off and walk out. I hear someone follow me. "Leave me alone, Shayne." I say. "It isn't Shayne." I hear Damien say. I plop down on a plush bench in the hall. "Same applies." I mutter. "Look....I have to tell you something." He pauses and I nod. "I kinda....like you. Maybe a little. Or a lot. And I don't know if you like me back, and I understand if you hate me for sayi...." I cut him off with a kiss. I place a hand on his cheek. He kisses back gently. I stand up with him and wrap my arms around his neck. He smiles and leads me into an empty room that they keep the cots and mattresses for videos in. I smile. He sets me gently onto the bed. He kisses me still and gets on the bed with me. He stands up and locks the door. All.i remember from the rest of the night is absolute bliss.