#4 Time to have fun

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Johnny Pov

Me, Hayden and Carson are waiting for the girls to come down so that we go to the pool......suddenly a voice said we r ready and it was Kenzie. Honestly she look so pretty in it.

Kenzie Pov

When i said we were down Johnny turn around and start looking at me...and I was 😳 .

Lauren Pov

I know that kenzie likes Johnny and he likes her back....I need them to make jenzie real!!!

Kenzie Pov

We had so much fun in the pool....I feel like today is the best day. Once we done swimming we changed to our night pj's.

Hayden Pov

Hey guys lets play truth or dare. "Okay" everyone said.

Carson truth or dare
C: truth
H: IS it true that u and brynn are dating?
C & B: YES
H: Hmmm looks like I asked carson but brynn answered it...
K: Anyways lets continue hayden truth or dare?
H: Dare
K: I dare u to tell us who would u rather kiss lauren or brynn?
H: Lauren cause i do LIKE her
K: Aww #Layden
L: Kenzie truth or dare?
K: truth
L: who is your crush?

Johnny Pov

Kenzie whisper in lauren's ear...I wonder who is it? Then once kenzie finish whispering something on Laurens ear. Lauren winked at me. I wonder why?
Now comes my turn

C: Johnny truth or dare
J: dare
C: I dare u to kiss kenzie for 10 seconds...its a dare bro u have to do it.
J: Wtw its a dare I will do it.

Kenzie Pov

I was shocked when carson asked john to kiss me...but I was kinda happy tho...😍
Then John kissed me more than 10 seconds....I was blushing so hard.

L: ok guys its getting late lets go to bed.
C: Me and Brynn will share 1 room
H: Then me n lauren will share one room....looks like Johnny and kenzie have to share one room haha.

Kenzie Pov

Whatever lets go to bed guys....Goodnight......
Once we went to my room "its ok i will sleep on the floor" john said
Nevermind u can sleep on my bed with me. "K now lets go to bed Goodnight john" i said . "Gd night beautiful" he said . I was shocked why he called me beautiful but hey why not. I was happy when he said that.

Sorry guys I knw i am a bad author. But I didn't hv time to write the next chapter. I was busy preparing for my school. Dont mind it sorry once again.

What do u think will happen in the next chapter? Will anything interesting happen? Find out in the next chapter.

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