Pink and Blue

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'We are back in business baby!'

Of course... of course we get robbed. It would be fine he said, it would be safe he said. But here we are. Naked as can be. Luckily I was wearing some pretty old clothing so I kept my old white dress on but no... not Sin. He was full on naked... and me I was trying to wake him up. I tried everything, from throwing rocks at him,to screaming in his ear, and finally I had my last idea... Over the years I had been practicing and getting better control over my powers so... I found some that would be useful... like, electricity... >:) I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. And once I opened them. I transformed. Like usual my eyes would turn white and I would be hovering above the ground. With electricity spheres in my hands. "Last chance Sin!" I yell and laugh evilly. " I started to electrocute him and as soon as the first bolt hit him he shot right up. "Ow ow ow ow!! What the hell Y/n?!" He yells. I turned back into my regular form and walk over to him covering my eyes. "Can you cover yourself up?" I ask in a annoyed tone. I could tell he was looking down at himself because he went silent... "Not again..." he groaned. He covered himself up with a leaf and told me I could uncover my eyes. "Okay... now, what did we do?" I ask, shrugging my shoulders. Sin looks ahead and sees to people walking tepees us. All I could tell is that one had blue hair and one had pink. Then Sin has another 'amazing' plan to go ask them for help. I told him I should be the one talking but he insisted he should. I followed behind him as he walked towards them. The conversation went like this...
"Hello" Sin says as he waves.
"WAIT! I'm not a perv! Me and my sister just need some help!" Sin try's to calm the situation down but failing. "Oh my god, he kidnapped his sister!" The pink haired girl says. I poke my head out from behind Sin and say, "Yo."
"Oh my gosh are you okay??" The blue and pink haired people say. "No please save me from him!" I say way to dramatically. Sin turns his head slowly to me with his face in shock. "Wait wha-" SLAM! Sin was now on the floor holding his now bruised head. The pink haired girl stands in a fighting position. I look at her in shock and then I begin to laugh. Really hard. "OH MY GOSH-" I fell down in laughter. "YOU JUST GOT YOUR ASS KICKED SIN!!" The pink and blue haired people just started staring at me in confusion. I stood up and looked at them while wiping a tear from my eye. "You see, he never kidnapped me." I say. "But you said-" the blue haired kid started. "I was joking. Sorry let me properly introduce myself. My name is Y/n. And that idiots name is Sinbad." I say. "Oh my name is Aladdin, and this is my friend Morgiana!" Aladdin points to the pink haired girl. "Nice to meet you!" I say. "Nice to meet you too!" They say in sync as they bowed.

Now, how am I going to explain why he's naked...

Thanks for reading! See you in the next chapter!!

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