Chapter 1

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My chihuahua, Brittney was barking mad last night.  She kept me awake all night.  Brittney usually doesn't bark when their is a thunderstorm, she is not afraid of anything.  But this time Brittney lost control.  I tried to let her to calm her down, but it didn't work.  I wish I knew what made Brittney bark so much all of a sudden.

When I finally fell asleep, it was 6 o'clock in the morning.  I wake up for school at 8:15, so I only got two hours and fifteen minutes of sleep.  It is easy for me to get up in the morning, even when I only get two hours and fifteen minutes of sleep.  Brittney was sound asleep, I was happy about that.  However, once I got her dog food she came running downstairs yapping her head off.  Nothing would stop her until I finally left for school.

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