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I promised not to leave you guys hanging, so here is the intro to the sequel of 104 Nights of Summers.

I will be back and forth between updating this story and my new story Deepest Desire. PLEASE CHECK THAT OUT IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!

This is the most updated pic of my Maverick character. 

Without further ado...





Maverick POV

I sip my coffee, staring out onto the city of Blue Ridge, about forty minutes from Asher. This is how I collected my thoughts every morning. Before the anxiety pills kicked  in anyway. 

Aside from being a father, I just feel as if my life has little to no meaning. Sky is the only thing that keeps me going these days. I smile and close my eyes as images of her beautiful little face flooded my mind. She looked so much like Nyla, and acted like her even more, and that is not a complaint by any means. I miss her. So much that I can't eat sometimes, I barely sleep because of it, and I've found myself wanting to go off the deep end my heart aches so much without her. 

But based on my own selfish decisions, she's made it clear that our relationship is water under the bridge to her. Although it happened two years ago, the regret of being unfaithful is a constant thought of mine.


"Scotch please." I take a seat at the bar, just wanting a moment to myself. The drinking games with the fellas are kicking my ass honestly. I can't believe I'll be marrying the woman of my dreams tomorrow. I sip my scotch, shaking my head. 

"Trying to buy me a shot of that?" I turn my attention to this blonde two seats down from me. I shrug, unaware of how harmful buying someone a drink could be. 

"Sure, why not?" I felt myself slur. I ask the bartender for another round. We clink glasses as she moved closer to me, and downed the contents. 

"Trish by the way." she smiles. 

"Maverick." I nod, looking back down at my hands. A long silence fell over us before she spoke again.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she turns to face me. I just shrug, fiddling with the shot glass in my hands. "You can tell me, I don't judge." she giggles.

"Cold feet." Was all my drunken mind could come up with. "I'm too drunk to function right now so you have to excuse my slurring, and stuff."

"Cold feet, about what?"

"Getting married." I sigh. 

"Well, congrats! Another round on me." she tells the bartender. "Consider it a wedding gift. And it's totally normally to get cold feet." she laughs. "Here's to you and your wife. She's a lucky woman." she smiles.

"I'd like to think I am the lucky one." I laugh a bit. After a few more shots and small talk, another silence fell over us.

"So, what are the chances of you and I becoming friends, Mr. Getting married in the morning?"

"I'm not sure." I shrug. 

"Why not, your fiance insecure?"

"No, but I have my moments, and I wouldn't want her to have any male friends that flirt with her like you've flirted with me all night." I laugh with a nod.

"I can't help it, you're extremely handsome." she slurs. I just nod for a minute. I've had enough for one night, and I didn't wanna be too hungover in the morning. 

"I should head to my room." I stand up, stumbling a bit. 

"You mind walking me back to mine? It's a little creepy wondering these hallways alone."

"Sure."  I shrug. As if the blurred vision from the elevator lights and struggling to even walk at this point wasn't enough, I was in and out of consciousness. I was starting to forget where I was, and I already forgot this girls name. I felt her hands wonder my body, as I leaned against the wall. 

"You are so fucking sexy Maverick." she slurs pressing up against me.

"Yeah?" I say closing my eyes, because quite frankly they wouldn't stay open at this point. 

Everything after that was a blur. However I do remember the instant regret I felt upon waking up completely bare next this woman, and to marry Nyla after waking up next to someone else wasn't something I could do to her. She didn't deserve that.

"Mr. Summers, those papers you asked for." Claudia walks into my office interrupting my thoughts. "Your father requested you do the spreadsheets over by the way. He said it's obvious you aren't in your right mind, and to focus this time around." she read from a sticky note.

"Thank you Claudia." I sigh running a hand through my hair, already exhausted from the day ahead of me.

Around 3 o'clock, I was finally able to breathe, and like everyday I pick up the phone to call Sky. I knew that talking to her would brighten my day, it always does. I call Nyla's phone, and as suspected Sky answers.

"Daddy?" She squeals. 

"Hey baby girl." I laugh, leaning back in my chair. "I miss you."

"I miss you more!" she giggles. "Can I see you today?"

"Of course you can princess. I have a lot of work to do right now so it won't be until later is that okay?"

"Yes. Plus me and Mommy are about to get our nails done."

"You are? I wish I could go with you and Mommy." I sigh. I knew that I was on speaker phone, because Sky told me I always am when I call. So I know that Nyla could hear me. 

"Me too Daddy. But you have work to do remember?" she giggles. 

"I know baby. But I'm gonna call you later. You make sure Mommy sends me a picture when your nails are done okay?"

"Okay Daddy."

"I love you princess. You and Mommy." 

"Mommy won't say it back, but I love you too!" She hangs up. I knew that she wouldn't say it back. She never says anything to me. But it doesn't matter because I'm going to do everything in my power to get her back. 


What y'all think????

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