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Nyla POV 

I'd be lying if I said I haven't spent the last month losing my mind over Maverick. I missed him now more than ever and upon finding out what I found out a month ago, it's been very hard to adjust to pretending like it never happened. He gets surprised when I talk to him about anything other than Sky and is completely oblivious to my advances. Did I really push him that far?

I felt selfish for holding it from him but I just can never find the right words. He seems to have let it all go now, he doesn't give me the same attention or acts interested. It's always about Sky. 

On the other hand, there's Giovanni, who won't let up. I did the grown woman thing and let him know that I'm not over Maverick. I've even went as far as letting him know that there are parts of me that still want to be with him. However, regardless of what I say he still tries. It's nice to have that kind of effort but if it's not from who you truly want, it's annoying. But I still try to be there for him nonetheless, his son just lost his mother so he's been going through a rough patch. This big heart of mine definitely has a lot to do with why I still even entertain him. 

"Mommy, I'm ready." Sky sighs coming into the kitchen. 

"You not gonna eat your breakfast."

"No." she pouts. 

"What's wrong?"

"I can't go to preschool today. I have headache in my stomach. It's concasion. I don't want my friends to have it." she groans clutching her stomach. I held my laughter.

"Do you?" I say as shocked as possible. "And what's that feel like?"

"Um, it hurts my stomach hard." she shakes her like it was the worst thing that could have happened to her.

"Oh no Sky," I gasp. "We gotta take you to Dr. Tenney. So he can see what's wrong with you."

"Um, no Mommy." she stood up. "Dr. Tenney is gonna just gonna talk to me with needles."

"But I don't want my princess to have a headache in her stomach." 

"I just have to fart." she takes off down the hall again. I laugh, sipping my coffee as I scrolled on my Macbook to see which meetings are less important to me today, I need some relaxation, I'm considering ditching work today to delve in some girl time with Sahara. But I refuse to miss the weekly meeting I'm in charge of. Other than him picking up Sky, it's really the only time I get to see him. 

"Okay baby girl," I say pulling up to Sky's school. "If you have a stomach headache again, ask your teacher to go to the nurse so they can call me okay?" I smile.

"I was cured after I pooted." she nods. 

"Okay then," I laugh. "You behave, understand? I don't want any calls today about your behavior Ms. Class Clown.

"Okay." she giggles. "Love you Mommy."

"I love you more, you don't need me to walk you in?"

"What am I? A baby."

"Fine old lady." I laugh as she was getting out. "Be good please!" I call behind her. Once she was in, I head to work. 

I hate Mondays.

"Good morning everyone." I say before the group. "I'd like to thank you guys for making sure those portability documents got finished in time, so applause for that." I join them in clapping. A few moments later Maverick finally walks in.

"Sorry I'm late Ms. Gordon." he smiles. 

"I'll let you slide this time." I smile back. 

"Just kiss already." James says. I roll my eyes. It was no secret Maverick and I share a child and often times get caught in awkward situations by the other associates. 

"Anyways," I laugh proceeding with the meeting. "So with that being said, I will not be in the office today so any questions, comments, etc please contact Susan, because I will not respond. Good day everyone." I smile and gather my paperwork, making a beeline for the exit.

"Nyla." Maverick calls as I was about to get in my car. 

"Hey. What's up?" 

"I was hoping I could speak with you about taking Sky to the mountains next weekend. I know it falls on your week but I think we could use a little get away, and that weekend just falls on my free days. Sorry its-"

"I don't mind." I nod. "I could use a get away myself." 

"Well, maybe you should join us." he nods. I was more than glad he asked.

"I don't wanna impose." I shake my head. 

"You could never do that sweetheart. It doesn't matter where you and I stand, when it comes to Sky we are a family, period. But it's up to you just let me know." he gives a small smile before he walks away. That pretty much explains how it is when we speak now. I wanted to blame him for it, but apparently, it really isn't even his fault.

Maverick POV 

"Here we go." I sigh, taking a seat at my desk. It was something about the thought of starting the week off seeing Nyla that made the week go by so slowly. I'm finally at a point where I just want to let things go the way they're supposed to. It doesn't matter how much of my memory I've gained, explaining myself to Nyla wouldn't have mattered at this point. 

Besides, I was comfortable with things right now. When we need to talk, we talk and refrain from talking when we don't need to. It made things easier this way. Regardless of the nights I spend without a wink of sleep, thinking of what was supposed to be, I did what I felt was right and not force her to get over something she couldn't get over.

"Good morning." Emily, my new assistant walks in. "Your coffee how you like it and a fresh baked banana nut muffin from yours truly." she smiles sitting it on the desk. 

"Thank you Emily." I nod. She was... interesting. I didn't really pay her much attention as hard as she died for it. She was an older lady, married for years with no children. Her life was boring, as she called it, and I truly didn't expect anything more from someone who has time to knit and bake things all night for Sky and I.

"You're welcome Mr. Summers." she nods. 

"So, how's that pretty girl of yours?"

"She's still with her mother. I miss her." I frown a bit. The week without Sky was always long and lonely, but I mean it's only because I want it that way. I haven't really entertained women lately and it's been very peaceful. Plus, Sky is enough sassiness and attitude to handle right now. 

"You're such a great Dad, that Nigeria is lucky."

"Nyla." I correct her. When I spoke about Nyla, I can always sense the slight discomfort from Emily. I wasn't really sure what it was about Nyla that made her face scrunch up at her name but I figured I would get to the bottom of it eventually. 

Most of my day, like everyday, consisted of typing, making calls, and trying my hardest to push Nyla to the back of my mind. But knowing that she may go on this trip with Sky and I just excites me. She fell right into my plan, because little does she know, I never had this trip planned in the first place. It literally popped in my head to ask about it when she was leaving work. What can I say, sometimes men do things like that too, not just women. 

All I know is, I'm really looking forward to this getaway. 


Okay so I had to put a little timehop in to get past this writers block. The next update will be better and longer.

Comments, thoughts, ideas?

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