Chapter 1, Ivy gets adopted?!

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Luna woke up of the sound of a crying dog. It was ivy Luna stood up "ivy?" Ivy looked at her. "Whats wrong?" "O nothing" she smiled, "i heard that if you pretend you are really sad, the people are gonna have pity with you and adopt you!!" She said exited. "Yeah, oke i get that but why cry? People are not gonna adopt you, because you are noisy!" Luna said angry. "Oh yeah, sorry i woke you up" Ivy apologized "i couldn't sleep tonight" Ivy sighed "why?" Luna asked "i don't know... this floor is just so hard to lay on, it hurts!" Ivy said frustrated
"Yes, thats true.. i wish the shelter could at least afford some blankets...." Luna looked sad at the floor "YES!! THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!" Ivy yelled from exitement. "What?" "Thats the sad look i'm talking about! People are gonna adopt you, for sure!" Luna laughed. But their neigbour in the shelter didn't.... "could you kids stop yelling?! Some dogs want some sleep!!" It was Nigel a 2 year old, always grumpy, labrador. "Oh.. Hi nigel..." luna said emberassed "keep it quiet!" Nigel warned and he got back to sleep. Then they heard the door go open, en 2 humans came in. It was a woman. She had a child with her. Luna jumped up the bars from exitement. The child ran past all lofts and yelled "puppies!! Puppies!! Yay!" Then she came past their lofts and stopped by that from ivy. "Hello puppy!!" She said.
Ivy barked from exitement. Then the child yelled "Mommy! Mommy!!" Luna did not understand what the child said. But she probably called the human since she walked straight to her. They talked and then they called the man of the shelter. The man of the shelter always gave us food The man of the shelter walked to them and they talked. Luna did not understand what they where saying. The man opened the door of Ivy's loft and lifted her up.
Wait what ivy getting adopted?!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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