20th December 2017- The Pianist And The Singer 3

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Niall is nervous the day of the callbacks. The other four contestants and he sit nervously in the front seats of the auditorium while awaiting the group's arrival. It feels like Niall had been waiting forever but they arrive after a few minutes, Louis taking charge and welcoming them as usual.

"So I hope you are all ready for today, anyone particularly wanting to go first?" Louis asks, although no one raises a hand. "Okay, let's just go from left to right in the order you're sitting. So um, Tasha, you first." This means that Niall has to go last, for he sits at the end of the row.

Everyone is good. really good, Niall finds, as he waits anxiously for his turn. Everyone seems to fit in with the group and everyone seems so effortlessly talented. Although, Niall cannot help but realise he is the only one with an instrument, so he can bring and extra singer and guitarist to the band. And Liam's words You'll be amazing echo in his head as he goes up on stage for his turn. Liam grins at him reassuringly as they catch one another's eyes, and Niall finds any nerves he had dissipate when he looks at him.

He and Louis' voices blend well, and he and Harry's guitars play in time and everything fits perfectly and Niall is sure the rest of them feel it too.

When his performance finishes, the band sends the contestants away for half an hour while they discuss who should be their new member.

Liam is grinning widely when the five hopefuls have left. "Come on guys. you can't disagree Niall is perfect!"

"For you." Zayn retorts with a grin.

"Shut up." Liam replies, "But it has to be him right?" 


When they are called back into the auditorium, Niall's nerves have reappeared, and he is as nervous as all the other contestants.

"So, we have had a long discussion, but we have come to a decision on who our new bandmate should be." Louis says, looking between each contestant, "Now please don't feel disheartened if we haven't chosen you, you're all talented and have performed amazingly. But we can only have one new member and that is... Niall!"

The other four contestants clap as Niall stands there in slight shock. He is now in One Direction.

"Congrats Ni!" Louis says.

And when Niall catches Liam's eyes, he is grinning the brightest of them all.


Over the next few days, Harry finds himself helping Niall learn a few of the songs on guitar. They sit in a small music room, a coffee and tea atop the piano, still full to the top, steam rising from them.

"So how are you finding them?" Harry asks, "The songs, I mean."

Niall smiles, "They're okay I think." He says, "I just want to check I've got them all perfectly."

Harry nods, "Show me Long Way Down."

"Singing too?"

Harry nods and Niall begins to play.

When he has finished, Harry points out the minimal errors, and helps Niall to fix them.

"Harry?" Niall begins. It is a thought that had been on his mind since Liam had helped him learn Fool's Gold and he has to know, "Does Liam have a girlfriend?"

Harry gives him a small smile, "He never calls her girlfriend so, I don't know if they're an official couple, but he's seeing a girl named Sophia." He answers, making Niall's heart sink though he wishes it didn't.

"Oh. Cause, when Liam was erm, well he accidentally walked in the auditorium when I was practising Fool's Gold and this girl interrupted. I just wondered." He thinks his bright red cheeks may give it away though.

"You like him." Harry says, and it doesn't even have to be a question. Niall finds he can't reply. "It's okay, I think he likes you too."

Niall shrugs, "But he has a girlfriend."

"Not officially."

Niall forces a smile but it fades quickly, "That doesn't make it okay though."

"Niall." Harry takes one of Niall's hands awkwardly in his, "If you have feelings for one another that's not a bad thing. I mean, if you act on them it might be a bit ethically wrong but... it's okay, yeah?"

Niall forces another smile and nods, "Yeah."

It's Okay


I want this to be a story so bad but I have no time to write this along with my other two rip ME.

But anyway, I'll see you tomorrow, can you believe I haven't even missed a day yet woooo

Please vote and comment I love you all so so much xxx

Niam Horayne imagines (Niam advent calender) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now