3rd December 2018- Cookie Monster

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(Don't even ask abt the title of this it has nothing to do with any monster or the cookie monster it's just cookies lmao)

!This Is A Sequel To Secret Santa From Last Year's Imagines! so go back to read those first if you want! x


It's the last week before Christmas holidays begin. It's cold. Students walk into school adorned with scarves and hats and coats.

Niall, with Harry along side him, reaches his locker and clicks in the code- his birthday- before opening it. He stops, frowns. He's not listener to whatever Harry's rambling about beside him.

"Harry, did you... put cookies in my locker?"

He tugs a small paper bag out the locker and looks inside. The back is still a little warm. And he knows from the smell that it's his favourite flavour.

"What?" Harry looks over his shoulder at the bag and it's contents. "Niall I had nothing to do with this."

Niall looks at him with a raised eye brow. "Really? Because I have zero other friends who would do this."

"They're still warm." Harry says, "I literally walked in with you, how would I have got them there?"

Niall looks at him. He's right.

"But, Haz the only other person that knows... is Liam."

"Why would Liam give you food?" Harry asks, "What if he's taking the mick?"

Niall shrugs. The thought of Liam taking the mick makes his heart sink more than it used to. They haven't spoken since the day of secret santa, last week. And Niall doesn't think he can bring himself to bicker with him anymore. He'll see him across the hall, or the classroom, or they'll pass in the cafeteria, and Niall feels like he can barely breathe every time.

And he daren't tell Harry.

"He's over there." Haz tells him, nodding behind him. Niall looks over Harry's shoulder and his heart flutters.

Liam opens his locker, focusing desperately on it. Niall nudges past Harry and walks over to where he's standing. In a flurry of adrenaline, Niall slams Liam's locker shut.

The brunette jumps. "Woahhh, Horan, what's up?"

His coy smile makes Niall's head spin for a second. "Have you got something to do with this?" He holds the packet of cookies in his face.

Liam moves his head back a little, then pushes the packet back down from in front of his face. He and Niall's fingers brush. Niall's whole hand tingles.

"What are you on about?" Liam asks, holding back a laugh.

"These were in my locker." Niall explains. He can't meet Liam's eyes, for some reason.

"Okay well, how am I meant to know your passcode?" Liam asks.

Niall bites his lip, nods. He has a point. "But then who was it? Because it wasn't Harry and no one else knows I like these."

"Well, I can't help you Ni...all. Niall. I can't help." He turns and walks down the corridor.

Clutching a brown paper bag of cookies in his hand, Niall just stands there, watching him.


I hope you enjoyed this! I was looking back at last years and felt like this story could have more. And it's gonna have a few parts as well.

Please vote and comment, ily all! See you tomorrow xxx

Niam Horayne imagines (Niam advent calender) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now