| chapter seven |

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The strongest witch of her age jumped onto the light wooden stool, plopping down and waiting for the gentle touch of the hat, the small weight that would sit atop her head and decide where she would stay for the rest of the year. The blonde sat crossed legged as McGonagall moved to place the hat on her head, but just as it was a few inches away, sensing the girl's cunningness and slyness, the sorting hat yelled;


Mackenzie's face broke into a grin, the whole Slytherin table cheering as the strongest came and sat back down with them, high-fiving her best friends, Draco and Blaise. The she-devil smirked as she watched some of the other girls from the other houses groan, knowing that they can't have midnight sex with the blonde because they weren't together, and they'd easily be caught if they tried to sneak their way around school since they weren't cautious and were really clumsy, except for those that knew there way around the whole school and would be able to hide in plain sight.

"Told you I'd get Slytherin." Mackenzie teased, winking at Draco, who rolled his eyes in annoyance but the smile tugging at his lips told her otherwise as amusement sparkled in his eyes.

"LET THE FEAST BEGIN!" McGonagall exclaimed once everyone was resorted to their houses, some staying in the same while some moved. Nobody in Mackenzie's year moved, and it may have been because everyone was either in their true houses or everyone asked the hat to continue being in their house.

However, Luna Lovegood did move, she went from Ravenclaw to Gryffindor, and that may have been because she unlocked her bravery while being tortured in Malfoy Manor, which she forgave Draco for, not really thinking of him doing anything bad and that it was his father's fault.

"Mmmm, yummy!" Mackenzie felt herself drool at the sight of the food and began digging in, putting everything on her plate before stabbing her fork into the piece of meat and eating it. "I love food." She muttered as she kept eating, chuckling at a comment Blaise made about Ron Weasley.

Glancing up, Mackenzie saw that he was indeed eating like a pig. He threw food into his mouth and just continued doing so until his mouth was full, but he'd just swallow it all and continue eating.

"He's like one of those Muggle contraptions they call vacuums," Pansy commented as she came and sat by them, the dark-haired girl finally expressing her true self since her dad wasn't here to tell her what to do.

Her mother was also best friends with the other mothers, but Pansy and her mother were on vacation and would be moving in over Christmas, well, Pansy was. The dark-haired mother was probably already at the manor.

"Yeah, the one that just sucks everything up." The girls snickered, trying to chuckle before Mackenzie broke into a vast chuckle which made the others giggle, the four catching the attention of four people that would turn out to have a more impact on the four Slytherin's lives;

Harry Potter,

Ron Weasley,

Luna Lovegood,

Hermione Granger.

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