Long Hours

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The waiting room at the hospital

Full of people

Some are happy

Some are sad

Yet there is anger in the room.

You see a family;

Maybe a dad, mom, and sisters

But it's really a daughter, two aunts and the little girls dad

They look fine on the outside

what are they feeling on the inside?

They are sad yet happy,

They are waiting for the news to come.

They don't know how to feel just yet.

The doctor comes to the family

He says "she's stable for now"

They get happy until he says,

"The time is limited."

They are choking on the tears

The small family realizes the time they have is precious.

The doctors lets them in the room.

She lays there still

The family doesn't care.

They look at her listening to the beeping.

They know she still has time,

But how much.

The waiting is spent listening to the beeping of her heart,

But it slows

they call for a doctor.

He tells them to leave,

Go wait for the news he says.

The family goes back to the waiting room.

The room has smiles here and there,

But yet you see frowns

Doctors coming and telling news like robots.

The family waits hours for the news

At last the doctor comes out.

His face blank.

He looks at the family at says,

"Sorry, but she's gone."

The family breaks down.

They know she isn't in pain anymore,

But they are

She was their glue

She held them all together

She made the family work

Without her they are nothing

They think of all the people they have to tell

They walk to the car with tears in their eyes

They get to the car,

They all pile in.

They sit not saying anything.

They all silently cry for the loss they just gained.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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