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After last night, your head was spinning. That fucking door bell, it was just a package.

You picked out your outfit for today, and because of what happened with Grayson , you decided to go a little sexy

You picked out your outfit for today, and because of what happened with Grayson , you decided to go a little sexy

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Walking through the doors, you took a deep breath.

You didn't really know what to expect was going to happen today but you were ready for anything.

Before you could even sit down at your desk, Grayson demanded you to his office.

When you walked in his eyes were darted at you and your short mini skirt. He smirked a little.

"Come closer" he said in a calm sexy voice.

You slowly edged closer to his desk, he got up and met you.

He leaned in and whispered in your ear,
"Last night was fun baby girl, its just a shame we didn't get to finish"

His whisper made you shiver and quake through your body.

He gripped your ass and lifted your skirt. As his hands explored your body you let a moan escape your lips.

"Sorry" you apologised.

Grayson stopped, "No need to be sorry sexy, when you moan it let's me know that I make you feel good"

You smirked and continued to moan, not letting the fact that you were in an office where anyone could just walk in, affect you.

He picked you up and started to kiss your neck leading up and down your jaw and chest. You continued to moan each time getting louder and louder.

Grayson placed you down on his desk and began to take off you skirt while clasping your boobs, kissing every part of your body as he went on.

He started to rub his hands through your underwear and you continue to moan load.

Without warning, he stuck a finger inside of you causing you to arch your back in pleasure.

"Omg grays...." You gasped

He stopped

"No, no, no baby. What's my name?"

You rolled you eyes a little, just enough for him to see.

He grabbed you throat, again causing you to gasp for air.

"Don't ever roll you eyes at me babygirl or you'll get punished and you wont enjoy it"

You gulped a little, "okay....Daddy"

He smirked, and continued to pleasure you. You moaned over and over and you got so close to your limit.

"Daddy, I'm going to cum" you panted becoming more and more out of breath.

He leaned over to your ear, "Come for me princess"

Without another word you came all over his fingers

You quickly got dressed again and headed out the door. To your surprise no one had noticed a thing. Which was odd considering how loud you were....

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