You fluttered your eyes open to see you still in your underwear and right I'm front of you was Grayson....or the other Grayson holding up a glass of water.
"'s alright princess it's Grayson" he said as he gentle caressed your cheek.
As he comforted you, you sat up. "Was I seeing things or were there two of you?"
He chuckled slightly.
"You're not seeing things baby, that's my twin brother Ethan" he said while rubbing my leg.
"Twin" you questioned in shock.
He chuckled once again.
"Yes, but don't worry, he won't lay his hands on what's mine again."
You gave him a confused look, "why did he start touching me and kissing me in the first place?"
His smile faded, "I had told him about you and I guess he wanted a bit of you, but that's not going to happen, because you're all mine baby"
You sat in silence for a moment or two before Grayson broke it, "right, its getting very tempting for me to fuck you right now with that on, but that wouldn't be right."
He got up and kissed you on thee forehead, making you smile.
"You're very welcome to stay here for the night if you like. In the spare bedroom." As he said this his jaw clenched, revealing his very very sharp jawline which was just so sexy.
You nodded your head and as he got you up you asked, "But wait I don't have any clothes to change into"
"You can wear my joggers and a top until my butler gets you any clothes you want" He replied with a caring smile.
You kissed his cheek and smiled back as you followed him upstairs to the spare bedroom.
*Skip to the middle of the night*
The sound of your phone buzzing woke you up, you checked the time, 3:30 am. Are you kidding.
You waiting for you eyes to get used to the bright light of your phone. When they did you saw a Snapchat from: ethandolan.
Shocked at what you saw, you were curious, so you opened it and saw:
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You were speechless, all you could say was danmmmmm.
What? No. I like Gray what am I doing? With that though you got up and made your way out of the spare bedroom and headed to Grayson's room.
He looked so cute when he's asleep. You got into the bed and curled up next to him
A second later he woke up and wrapped his arms around you cuddling you.