Klonoa: Steps from Dreaming

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 [This work is licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) Klonoa copyright Namc]


Dreams can take us far away,

they are not always planned or expected,

the important thing is to keep your eyes open

Ever had a dream you could not finish or wished would continue?

     The air was still. There were no sounds from the trees, birds or insects; only silence. The sun was warm to the face and where Klonoa lay was soft to the touch. He lay in his dozing state content not to leave. But slowly he felt the warmth slip away across his face. Something small and cold made contact with his forehead and again on his arm and neck.

      Klonoa awoke to see the sun slowly being eclipsed by the partially cloudy sky. He shifted and sat up to view a landscape of open farmland held by boundaries of dense groves of trees. Sitting atop a haystack he could see other piles were strewn across the open space in almost perfect pattern as far as the eye could see. Klonoa sat puzzled unsure if the scenery was familiar. As he pondered his whereabouts drops of rain began to hasten.

     Realizing the impending rainfall Klonoa ceased wondering where he was and stood up. “I need to get out of this rain...” He spun around searching for adequate shelter and spotted a somewhat large thatch-roofed building behind a well traveled road. Lights loomed from the windows and a small amount of smoke trailed from the chimney. Grabbing his gold and emerald faceted ring Klonoa climbed down from the haystack; the silence beyond the pattering of rain became eerie.

     Klonoa hastily traversed the field towards the homey structure. The rain was coming down oddly fast for a partially cloudy sky. He reached the the doorstep and let himself in, half drenched.

     Klonoa was greeted by a large dining hall with nearly every chair occupied by patrons. The room was well lit and filled with low chatter. There was however a lack a certain energy one would expect to feel in a largely occupied dining area.

     “Welcome to the Barely Inn” said a voice from across the room.

     Klonoa turned to see a robust man behind a kitchen counter that was covered in empty mugs and recently used dining plates. Klonoa, now certain he had stepped into another dream slowly maneuvered his way to the counter.

     “The name's Gewpa, bar and inn keeper. What's your name son? Judging from your appearance I'd say you're more than just new to these parts.”

     “My name is Klonoa, from Breezegale. I do not know whe-”

     “Oh do not worry about where you are Klonoa; life is a journey that is sometimes best traveled without the reins.”

     “Yes but I -”

     “Here have a drink.” Gewpa passed Klonoa a small cup filled with a strange brown liquid. “Now you know you are about two weeks late.”

     “Late? W-where am I?”

     Gewpa raised an eyebrow and with a small chuckle, “Well my oh my that something I did not expect from a dream traveler.”

     Klonoa mumbled in confusion, “Errr, how did...”, then slightly annoyed asked, “Where am I and...what do you mean late.”

     “Well my friend you are in the province of Anelee; currently half a day's walk from the Seers. And by late, well, you should ask the Seers that one. Not many people want to hear stories these days.”

     “Uhhh, okay. Thank you. And uhh, do you have any food? I'm starving,” Klonoa said with a hopeful smile.

     Gewpa responded energetically “Certainly, anything for the traveler,” as he sorted the dishes from the mugs on the counter. “Anything you had in mind?”

     “Some warm soup would be good.”

     “Certainly make yourself at home,” Gewpa said while fumbling with some silverware. “Also in the mean time I suggest getting acquainted with the Seers as soon as you can. One of them has been sitting in that corner for a few days now, probably waiting for you.” Gewpa gave a small nod to the corner then turned away to tend to the cooking pots.

     Klonoa, glancing across the room, spotted the lone individual. Klonoa began walking through the dining hall which was now nearly silent. He could hardly ignore the strange sense if disdain from the room. The fireplace was down to embers though the woodpile was well supplied. He glanced back to the kitchen area to see Gewpa had gone, used plates and mugs still cluttering the counter-top. The gloomy sensations from the room were beginning to pry at Klonoa's nerves.

     Klonoa approached the table where the Seer was seated. The Seer was covered in a maroon cloak and the hood concealed most of his face.

     A low toned voice came from the cloaked man, “So it takes more than a little bit of hope to bring a dream traveler to Henna.” Pulling his hood back and in a long-winded manner he said, “Let's hope we're not too late. My name is Ranno and am one of the last who still look to the future. We must leave immediately.”

     “Okay, uh, hello. My name is Klonoa”

     “Yes, it's good to meet your acquaintance. We must go.”

     “But I got some food coming.”

     “You must not know how important it is that we leave immediately. We will tend to your needs soon enough.” Ranno began to glow yellow, becoming more radiant by the second. He reached out his arm and grabbed for Klonoa's shoulder.

     Klonoa flinched and tried to evade but the Seer caught his hand. The glow had now become so vibrant the room had faded away along with the sound of whispers and the smell of smoke from the fireplace. “Manyaaaaa.”

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