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Christmas is in 4 days guys!!! Like since when was it even past October???

Random Thoughts:

I don't know about you guys, but I always have spaghetti and meatballs on Christmas Day.
I feel like December snuck up on everyone I know.
My family only has 5 presents under the tree right now.
Shoot! I need to get gifts!!
I hope everyone knows all I want is Harry Potter stuff
I hope everyone knows I am a Slytherin
I hope I don't get socks unless they are fuzzy
I hope I get good stocking stuffers
How come we hang candy canes on the tree
How come people eat turkey on Christmas and Turkey

Those were my thoughts right now
QOTD: Do you still believe in Santa?
I do/don't.. here's why. Do: in front of little kids. Don't: Not in front of little kids
Anyways, ttyl

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