One Hundred Twenty Five

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Brendan's P.O.V
"Goodmorning Brandon." I heard Adriana say.

"Close, it's Brendan." I explained to her. She nodded and formed her mouth into an 'o' shape.

"Can I ask you some questions about me?" She asked patting the spot next to her. I nodded my head and sat next to her.

"So this boyfriend of mine, what's he like?" She asked me.

"Well he's buff and tall, loud. Very loud. Um idk what else to say." I told her.

"Hm, sounds hot." She said laughing. I fake laughed with her. I didn't want to tell her about all the cheating and her dog, and all that. I'll just let that come back to her on her own.

"Hello miss, I'm gonna do a couple more tests on you than you are free to leave." The doctor came in and said. She nodded and let them draw her blood and take her blood pressure and temperature.

"Okay miss, you're free to go whenever you'd like." He said to her.

"Where are my clothes?" She asked.

"They were a little busted up from the accident, but I'll bring them to you to see if you still want anything." The doctor explained. He walked out and came back a couple minutes later with her clothes, than left. Some skinny jeans and a shirt ripped down the middle.

She took off her hospital gown revealing most of her body, and I looked for a second than looked away.

"Here you can wear my hoodie." I said taking it off handing it to her. "Thanks." She smiled at me. She put her shoes on and I grabbed her phone and purse for her and walked her to my car.

"I'm gonna take you to see Logan alright?" I said.

"Okay." She said turning up the radio. I still don't get why he's not answering his phone. Maybe somethings wrong. I parked and Adriana followed me to his apartment. I walked in and no one was in the living room so I went into his room to see if he was still sleeping. And he was, just with another girl.

I walked in opening the curtains and throwing pillows at him as hard as I could.

"Yo what the hell dude?" He yelled.

"Adriana's awake you asshole, she's right outside on the couch." I said walking out annoyed.

"What's wrong?" Adriana asked. "Nothing." I replied

"Hey babe!" Logan came out going to give her a hug but I stepped in between.

"Brendan move." He said laughing. But I stood there with a straight face not moving.

"Seriously move, you can't keep me from my girlfriend." He said angrily.

"Yeah well you're lucky she has memory loss or she would beat your ass for having that girl over." I whispered pushing him. He pushed back harder.

"Hey quit." Some whore said walking out of his room standing between us. I lightly pushed her out of the way throwing the first punch at Logan. He punched back and I could hear Adriana yelling. But I couldn't stop. Logan was on top of me throwing punches before I felt his body weight off of me. I looked up and saw Adriana kicked him off me.

"You're a no good piece of shit. Who's she? Just when things got better between us you go and fuck things up. I don't know why I ever dated you." I heard her say. I looked at Logan with tears welling up in his eyes.

Adriana helped me up and dragged me out of the apartment to my car. She sat down in the passenger seat and started bawling her eyes out.

"Hey, hey. It will be okay. He didn't deserve you." I said comforting her.

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