III. Dread

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"there is always something waiting on the other end of darkness."

     Cold damp hands grabbed the side of my arms making me completely and utterly terrified.  Trying to shove them away, my feet stumbled backwards causing me to fall flat on my bum. 

    “Harper…Harper!” The voice yelled causing me to look up from my spot on the ground.  Louis was standing in front of me wearing a concerned expression on his face, something that had made him look older then he actually was. 

    “Lou?” Running his fingers through the tangled wetness of his hair, he slowly bent down as if not to frighten me.  His piercing ocean blue eyes bore holes through mine and I tried my hardest not to look away.

    “Are you alright love?” Taking my small hand into his, one of his thumbs traced incoherent patterns on the palm of my hand.  A small shaky breath betrayed me and my eyes instantly flickered over towards the basement.

    “I…yeah…I just- yeah I’m fine.” The tangled web of confusion and residual fear flowed between my parted lips causing a frown to encompass Louis’ face.  Reaching his hand outwards, subconsciously I grabbed it allowing him to help me off the ground. 

    “Then why do you look so scared.” It was more of an accusatory statement then an actual question.  As if he was a lie detector and could see straight past any nonsense that I said.  Brushing a fallen piece of hair out of my face I scanned the room looking for anything to prove I hadn’t just imagined that. 

    Tapping my foot impatiently on the ground, I all but froze when my view had come to the basement door.  The black wooden door was sealed tightly shut as if it hadn’t been opened in days.  Flecks of gold shimmered off the door handle and instinctively my body moved towards it.

    “Harper.” Snapping out of my daze, I focused back on Louis who still wore the same confusion he previously had.

    “Sorry I just thought…nevermind.” Shaking my head, I began to think rationally.  This was a new house; we weren’t acquainted with the certain noises and settlements that came with it. Not to mention I was still slightly freaked out about the symbol on the floor downstairs.  You’re scaring yourself.

    “Let’s go eat.” Forcing a small smile, I motioned my head towards the kitchen.  Louis remained standing still eyes scanning over every inch of my face.  Letting out an exasperated sigh, his hands ran over his tired eyes before spinning around.

    My feet began to follow him into the kitchen before I had decided to stop.  Waiting until he was out of eyesight I turned around facing the contrasting black door.  Biting the bottom of my lip my hand involuntarily began reaching for the doorknob.  Twisting the small round golden knob a breath escaped me.  Locked.

    “This smells delicious!” Louis’ voice boomed from the kitchen and my hand immediately retracted back.  Taking one last look towards the door I followed Louis’ praises into the open white room. 

    He was perched at one of the stools in the middle of the stainless steal island.  Louis’ lips were attached to the beer I had placed on the table and his fingers played with the bouquet of roses.  When I had gotten relatively closer he averted his attention to me sending a small wink my way.

    “How was your shower?” Breathing a sigh of relief, I carried myself over to the stool opposite of him.  There was a calming lightness in the air now that Louis had returned.  The shivering coldness that had accompanied this room less then 10 minutes ago had vanished and I felt more then safe in his presence.

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