chapter 1

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Bryton was walking down the halls of school with his best friend Adam. It was Friday and all they could think about was the weekend. Bryton turned the corner and just then the most beautiful girl he had seen bumped into him sending both their books flying. He could tell she was shy because she just kept looking down.

"I'm Bryton.", he said.

"I'm Jessie," she said shyly, "I'm really sorry for running into you."

They finish picking up all their books and he says, "It's okay. I know you didn't mean to. Well, I have to get to class so here's my number text me sometime."

They smiled at each other before Bryton ran off to class. Jessie stood there thinking, "He's so cute. I can't believe he gave me his number!"

Jessie couldn't get her mind off Bryton. The way he looked at her and oh that beautiful smile. She caught herself daydreaming about what could potentially happen between them too.

She got home and texted Bryton.

Jessie: Hey Bryton, it's me Jessie.

Bryton: OMG! You actually texted me!

Jessie: Why wouldn't I?

Bryton: Because you're way too pretty for me...

Jessie: What!?! No! You're way too cute for me...

Bryton: Do you have any plans for the weekend?

Jessie: No. Just probably gonna stay home and listen to music. You?

Bryton: Well, I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out?

Jessie: Sure (: where do you want to hang out at?

Bryton: it's a suprise I'll pick you up at 8 okay?

Jessie: okay see you then

Jessie started getting ready throwing on her black skinny jeans, Sleeping with Sirens shirt, and her bracelets to cover her scars.

Just then there was a knock at the door. It was her little brother. He had a bloody lip, a black eye, and was shaking and crying.

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