Chapter 5

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"Boo Seungkwan turn that music down!!! Mia is taking her nap" Seungcheol yelled over the loud sistar music

"Seriously I want to kill you all" Woozi said

"Sorry buddy" Wonwoo said

"If you weren't a charming boyfriend to your girlfriend she wouldn't lead you idiots to my room" Woozi said

"If you didn't take that bear out we wouldn't be walking into a smelly room" Seungcheol said and smiled at Woozi angry expression

"And don't blame my girlfriend" Wonwoo said

"Whats her name anyways?" Dk ask

"I always hear you call her author" Hoshi said

"Her name is Sooyoung" Wonwoo said

"She cute" Mingyu said Wonwoo glares at him

"Haha she is cute!" Joshua said

"I'm gonna punch you all!" Wonwoo yelled then the door bell rang

"I'm not getting it!" Mingyu yelled and walked away Wonwoo sigh and walked to the door

He opens it to see his girlfriend

"Sooyoung! Hi come in" Wonwoo said

Sooyoung steps into the house and looks around

"This house doesn't smell like I thought it would be" Sooyoung said

She peck Wonwoo on the lips and walk into the kitchen she greets the boys

"Why She here?" Jeonghan ask

"Wonwoo called and told me that you guys need help with baby proofing the house"

"Wonwoo" Jeonghan said Wonwoo smiled

"Who the fu-" Chan pauses

Wonwoo covers Sooyoung eyes

"Why don't you have pants?" Wonwoo glare at Chan

"W-Wonwoo why are you covering my eyes?" Sooyoung ask

Chan walks away and let's go of Sooyoung

"So where the baby?"

"She is sleeping in Woozi room" Jeonghan said

"That's my punishment for taking the stupid bear" Woozi said

"It's not stupid it's the bear from her real mom" Seungcheol said everyone went silent

No one spoke about Mia real parents. She had a bad childhood.

"Um Mia is crying" Chan said who had clothes on this time.

"I will go get her" Woozi said and walked away Sooyoung made sure Woozi was gone and got closer.

"Have you guys try to find Mia mom?" Sooyoung ask

"No" Jeonghan said

"Woozi forbidden us from looking for her" Seungcheol said


"He always says she left her here for a reason" Jeonghan said

"It I will continue to say that" Woozi said

Sooyoung was scared of Woozi and hated that she has a fear of him

"Why can't Mia just see her mom like once a week? She needs a women in her life she has like 13 boys around her everyday" Sooyoung said

"Yeah great idea" Jeonghan said

"No! She not gonna see her mom well she can see Sooyoung" Woozi said

"Great" Sooyoung said and smiled

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