Chapter 5

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Emmara's P.O.V

"Mommy?" Alexia whispers in her petite voice. "Is he gone?"

"Yes baby, he is..." I rush over to her and cradle the small body to mine. 

My long arms are wrapped tightly around her, crushing her to my 5'3 frame. I don't let go until I hear my phone go off. 

I reluctantly let go and stand up, walking to the phone that is sprawled out on the floor, I crouch and grab the phone. My hands shake as I press answer and hold the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" My voice is unsteady.

"Hey, Emmara I wa- are you okay?" Johnathon, my brother, said. 

"What?" I clear my throat "Ya, I'm fine." 

"Okay? Well, are you going to the Football game tonight?"

"Hmm, Ya sure. I gotta go.. Alexia needs me. Love you."

"Love you too." 

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. I plaster my best fake smile on my now even paler face, then I turn back around to face my beautiful creation. I'm a mother now. I need to act like it. 

"Hey sweety, go get your bag Aunty Ramona is gonna be here any second." 

She rushes right past my legs and straight to her room. Just then, there was a knock at the door. I quickly but steadily go to the door and swing it open. 

"Can you watch her the whole night? I, umm, I'm going to the football game tonight with Celia to support Johnathon." I rush out.

"Ya, of course. Hun, are you okay? You look pasty." She asks, entering the small hallway that leads to the rest of the apartment. "Holy! What happened in here?" She looks around the apartment at the mess that Andy had made.

"What? Ya, of course, I just, umm, I uh......... Saw a spider! You know me I am such a baby. And I tried to kill it. Long story short I still don't know where it is." I scratch the back of my neck. "I'll go get Alexia." 

When I enter her small pink room, she sits on her princess bed and looks up at me with tears filling her vibrant blue eyes. 

"Mommy..... Is daddy bad?" She whispers in a meek voice. She looks completely terrified.

"No, no! Baby girl daddy was just....... just mad. That's all, you see sometimes when people get really, really angry they through a sort of tantrum. Daddy was just really mad that's all." With every word, I walk closer to her until I'm crouched down in front of her cradling her petite head in my hands. "But, sweety, let's not tell anyone about Daddy's tantrum. Alright? People will think that daddy is bad but, he isn't." She looks up through her long, tear-stricken eyelashes but, nods her head anyway. 

I wrap her up in my arms and hold her there, her much smaller ones wrapping around my neck, returning the sign of comfort and affection. 

Once her hands dropped back down to her sides, I grab her overnight bag and her small hand. We ascend the short yet, wide hallway and proceed into the living room. 

Romona smiles at Alexia and takes her bag from my hands. We all share a few more hugs before they eventually leave. 

I look at the clock on the wall and see it's only 4:30 and the game don't start till 7:00 so, I get to work picking up the broken glass from the vase. After, I straighten out the coffee table that he knocked over. I put the remote and the book I had set down earlier back on the coffee table. 

I pick up the picture frame that had been so rudely thrown across the room, it was a picture of me and Alexia on her 2nd birthday going down the big purple slide that was at the park near my dad's house. It was my favorite picture of us together, I had gotten the frame for Christmas last year. It was absolutely gorgeous with pearls around the border. Now, the glass was broken ripping through my skin when I run my finger over the picture, there were at least 9 pearls missing if not more. 

At that moment I fall to the ground on my knees and cry. I sit there and cry letting out all my emotions for the day, remembering the scared look on Alexia's face that will forever be scarred into my brain. I let all the pain and misery that I had been trying to push away, enter me and break me. 

I sat there for only a few minutes 5 maybe, but, it felt like hours. Once I finally gained my strength back, I rose to my feet and walked the picture back to the side table placing it up right. 

"I'll deal with this later," I tell myself. 

After I've cleaned up, I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My eyes were puffy and my face was pale and dead looking. I turn the faucet to cold and splash my face. My head hangs above the sink for a few extra moments before I turn off the water and dry y face off. 

I go to my medium sized bedroom and pick out the simplest outfit I could sum up. 

It was a navy blue knitted sweater, black skinny jeans, dark grey circle scarf, and black low top converse. I then throw my hair up in a messy top knot and call it good. 

I walk to my dresser and look in the mirror that is sitting on top of it. Wow, I look great (Sarcasm)! I grab my mascara and coat my top and bottom lashes. I put some chapstick on my lips and head back to the living room. 

My purse is hanging next to my forest green army jacket on the coat rack. I grab them both and stick my phone in my bag before heading out the door. 

I make my way to the elevator and step inside. Once I'm down in the lobby I text Celia to come pick me up. I patiently wait in the lobby scrolling through Instagram waiting for her to show up. 

About 10 minutes later, she was honking her horn and I was running outside. It was super cold outside so I sprinted to her car. 

"Hey, girly!" I give her a side hug because of the awkward placement of the seats.

"Hey, sweety!" She replied. 

I smiled and plugged my phone into the auxiliary cord and start to play my car playlist. I turn it up and start to sing the lyrics. 

MERRRRRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!! I love all of you soooooooooooo much! I hope you guys enjoy because this is your Christmas gift from me! Next chapter is gonna get crazy and fun! WHOOP WHOOP! I missed you guys, I hope you guys have the BEST Christmas ever! MWUAH Love you all so much!!!! SEE YA'LL NEXT TIME!

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