Dont leave me!

479 31 5

Trigger warning!

Jimin POV

It's been a month since Hoseok's dad first approached him. No matter how hard Hoseok tried, it seemed like this man wasn't going to forget what happened any time soon.

Hoseok had called me last night in tears.

{Throw back}

"Jimin! It's Gone! It's all gone!" I wasn't sure what he was talking about and tried to calm him down, even though I knew he was bathing in his own tears by now. I am sitting with my book in my hand, I was in the middle of writing a song when he called.

"What is gone Hoseok?"

"My things! He took them!"

"Who took them?"

"My dad! He broke into my house! All my money I had saved for food is gone! I can't survive he rest of the month! And..." he choke on his tears and breathe in heavily "My mom's jewellery! All the stuff she left for me!"

I spent hours on trying to calm him down. I told him to take his medicine and take a calming shower. I even asked him if he wanted me to stop by.

"Its fine Jimin! I will be fine"




He hang up the phone and I stared at the display.


I have had my phone beside my bed all night. In case he would need me.

I get out of bed after checking if I had any missed call, left to go to the bathroom and turned on the water. I need a warm healing shower by now.

The second I am about to take off my pants I hear my phone go off in my well-known ringtone. The ringtone was one Hoseok and I made by accident after he forced me to change my voicemail after a call because he found it boring. It's Hoseok and I screaming along to Baby by Justin Bieber.

I run to take the call, not even checking who was calling.


"Jimin? Thank God you are awake!"

"What is the matter Yoongi?"

"You need to get ready! I will get you in 5 minutes! No time to explain"

He end the call and I am left with an empty feeling and no idea what is going on. I do not Question Yoongi and hurry to get ready, before running out the door.


"Are you going to explain or not?" Yoongi is driving a tiny bit too fast for my comfort, he haven't said a single word to me. I can feel my heart beat fast inside my chest.

"I will tell you! But promise to not freak out"

"I promise! Now tell me!"

"Hoseok is in the hospital because of a suicide attempt"

My breath become uneasy and I almost start screaming "HE IS WHAT?" Yoongi try to focus on the road even though he is freaking out as much as I am right now "Calm down Jimin!" He lay one hand on my knee and rub it gently "Please try to breath okay! We will be at the hospital in 2 seconds" I nod at the boy who looks just as worried as I do.

I have never seen Yoongi like this before, the boy who normally seemed so cold was now full of emotions. I am not saying he seemed cold hearted; he just had a hard time showing his emotions. However, now emotions was all he could show.

He hurry to park the car and take my hand as we run towards the hospital. He stopped at the desk to find out where to find Hoseok. The minutes he spend talking to the woman felt like hours!

After getting the floor and room number, we run without exchanging a single word. We both feel a need to see him in this very second.

"Hoseok!" I reach his bed before Yoongi is even able to get inside the room. I grab the bedside table trying to catch my breath. Hoseok won't look at me, his eyes are directed towards the window "Hoseok?" I wave a hand in front of his face.

"Go away Jimin" his voice cracks after every word, I can hear he have been crying. I look down his body and notice the Bandages around Hoseok's wrists. This is all too real.

"Please talk to me" I beg him "Jimin... no" I can feel tears burn in my eyes as those words hit me. I am not going to leave. Who does he think I am?

"I am not going to leave! Talk to me!" I walk to the other side of the room and kneel down in front of him; I wipe away a tear from his face and look into the brown eyes I thought I knew for so long. Turned out I didn't fully know them at all.

"Jimin... I can't" tears start rolling down his face "I can't do this" he starts sobbing. Without thinking, I pull him in for a hug. I hold him tight. Even though I can feel my shirt getting wet from his tears, I don't let go. I will never let him go again.

Hoseok is the one pulling away. He send me a sad smile and nod at Yoongi who is watching us from the doorway "hey Buddy" Yoongi walk towards us and sit down on the chair in the corner "Don't ever do that again please? You scared the living hell out of me"

"I am sorry Yoongi" he reach his hand out towards Yoongi and the slightly older male get up to take it "Just don't do it again" he swing his hand slightly and I notice a smile appeared on the red heads face.

"Will you ever forgive me?" the boy ask "me or him?" Yoongi point from me to himself.

"both of you" before Yoongi get to respond I step right in front of him.

"Of course we will! The important thing right now is that you are alive" I smile at him and get a bright one back, this time it wasn't forced or fake. This was the real deal. I can feel my cheeks turn rosy.

"How long will you two stay?"

"I will stay a couple hours" Yoongi respond, still holding on to his best friends hand "I will stay by your side until you leave this place" I am never gonna leave him! Not now! Not ever!

"What about your job?"

"It can wait"

I smile at the boy who I was so happy was right in front of me. With a breathing heart. He return the smile and let out a shy thank you. 

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