The Connection between Imam Mahdi (a.j) and Imam Hussain (as)

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Although there are similarities between all members of Ahlulbayt (as) and they are from the same light, there is a special link between Imam Hussain (as) and Imam Mahdi (a.j).

Imam Mahdi (a.j) is from the progeny of Imam Hussein (as) who will rise on the Day of Ashura.

One of the best deeds on the birthday of Imam Mahdi (a.j) is to read Ziyarah of Imam Hussain (as), as renewing one's allegiance with Imam Hussain (as) is renewing it with Imam Mahdi (a.j).

1) In Surah Israa, we read: 'Do not kill the soul that Allah has made inviolable, except with due cause, and whoever is killed wrongfully, we have certainly given his heir an authority. But let him not commit any excess in killing, the one who is the guardian of one who is killed would be helped by Allah and would be victorious.' (Qur'an 17:33)

The most obvious case for this verse is Imam Hussain (as) as approved by several hadiths that introduce Imam Hussain (as) as the first oppressed person.

There are also hadiths from Imam Reza (as) and other Imams (as) that say that this verse is related to Imam Hussain (as) and Imam Mahdi (a.j).

Imam Baqir (as) said,

"The one who is killed is Hussain (as) and his guardian is Imam Mahdi (a.j).

And Israaf is to kill someone other than his killers. Truly he is helped."

This world will not end unless a man from the family of the Prophet (saw) would come.

He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it has been filled with injustice and inequity.

The demand of that guardian of that innocent life is establishment of justice all over the world.

The blood of Imam Hussain (as) will not receive its compensation if worldwide justice does not take place.

Of course, all Imams after Imam Hussain (as) were guardians. However, Imam Mahdi (a.j) is the victorious whom will be helped by Allah (swt).

• More than three hundred hadiths stress on the fact that Imam Mahdi (a.j) is the progeny of Imam Hussain (as).

180 of these are from the Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Imam Hussain (as) himself said,

"There will be twelve people who are guided.

The first Imam who is guided by Allah (swt) and does not need to be guided by people is Imam Ali (as), and the last one is the ninth generation of my progeny.

He is the Imam that will rise truthfully, and the one who gives life to earth after being dead.

And Allah is going to make the right religion prevail [over] all other religions even if the pagans may not like it."

•According to hadiths, the day of the uprising of Imam Mahdi (a.j) is the Day of Ashura.

There is a call in Month of Ramadhan and then the uprising is on the Day of Ashura.

Imam Sadiq (as) said,

"There would be a call for him in the night of 23 but he will be raised on the Day of Ashura in which Imam Hussain (as) was martyred."

• Imam Mahdi (a.j) will stand between Rukn and Maqam next to the Ka'ba clearly making reference to Karbala in the beginning of his movement:

"O people of the world,

I am the uprising Imam.

O people of the world,

I am the avenger.

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