Third Wheel

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"Am I late hokage-sama?" the masked person asked.

"Not at all Kamizaki, you were actually right on time. If you wouldn't mind removing your mask, we can continue with this meeting." The person did so and revealed a boy of about the same age as Naruto. Temari couldn't believe her eyes. "Naruto, Temari this is...

"Kamizaki is that you?"

"Oh if it isn't Temari of the Fan?" he smiled at Temari. "It's been many years since I seen you last. I must say you have grown into quite the desert lily all these years." He smiled as he saw her blush. As always that compliment worked.

Naruto was fuming, that bastard thinks he is hot stuff.

Temari saw Naruto get angry and frankly didn't feel like dealing with him in that state. "Kamizaki it is a pleasant surprise to see you how are you doing?"

"I've been better, but I wish I came here under better tidings. When I heard about the wedding I demanded that I come here, luckily I was already chosen to come here. However it seems I was too late." Temari looked at him questioningly. "The attackers are missing-nin from the hidden village in the mountains."

"I thought the village in mountain country was destroyed after the cease-fire with Konoha, by another hidden village." Naruto asked.

"Temari you have found yourself a smart husband." He watched as Naruto fumed, continuing, "That is true, but a few people did make it out before the attack happened. The original village was destroyed, but my father created the village hidden in the mountains with the help of the few survivors, who eventually returned to the destroyed village and rebuilt with the help of Konoha. Actually the fourth helped us out the most. He sent supplies and other necessities. We owe Konoha a debt that can never truly be paid for, but we try as best as we can."

Tsunade nodded her head. "Kamizaki I was wondering how you know Temari-chan?"

Kamizaki smile, he pulled out a small piece of paper from a pocket. Focusing his chakra into it the paper split in half and then got wet. "I am a wind and water jutsu user. My father sent me to Suna to learn how to use wind jutsu and then to Kiri to learn water jutsu. You see in the village hidden in the mountains we are primarily earth elements. However my powers come from somewhere else... My father didn't want the family name to be tarnished because of me sent me away."

Temari spoke up, "I meet him one day as he was training with my father. We became friends. One day however he left the village. I found out afterwards that he wasn't from Suna. I later started my training." She smiled at Kamizaki. "No matter how strong you got I still could beat the snot out of you."

Scratching the back of his head, "I never fought back, because I never wanted to see you cry."

"Enough of this reminiscing," Naruto was tired about hearing about their past together. Am I jealous of this boy because he knows Temari, no it is just because she is my wife right? That is what they call jealously kit. Shut up you overgrown fox.

Tsunade was looking at Naruto with a knowing smile, "Naruto I was hoping you could provide Kamizaki with a place to live until he caught the attackers?"

Naruto didn't like the idea, but he could very well say no. "Fine, but..."

"All I need is a place to set up a tent and I can sleep outside. Actually that doesn't sound that bad."

Temari raised her eyebrow, "No we can offer you a better place to stay." Smiling she tried to be as hospitable as possible. She did have to admit that she really wanted to talk to Kamizaki.

"I guess if you insist on it. However I must talk with Tsunade-sama in private for a moment."

Temari and Naruto exited the office. "So he is the fourth's son?"

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