When I finally woke up it was about nine at night and my dad was still out cold. Since I was still drowsy, I didn't bother to put on my fake suit. I just slung my dad over my shoulder and flew home.
when we got home my dad jolted awake and immediately shot a few repulsors at me. They bounced right off ( I'm just that awesome) but they did tickle a bit. after my dad realized that I was not an enemy he apologized and promptly passed out on the floor. I told J.A.R.V.I.S. to take him to the infirmary, while I did some research on this guy.
After I got some information I decided that he was either a mutant or a guy who has some seriously cool technology. since they were both crazy I didn't know what to do so I told J.A.R.V.I.S. to do some face matches by hacking into the CIA database then I went to plug in for the night.( instead of sleeping I go into this eight hour hibernation but while I do that I have to plug a wire into my chest so I don't loose energy)
When I woke up, J.A.R.V.I.S. told me that there were no face matches because technicaly he didnt have a face. "Thanks J" I said as I wlked out to have breakfast.
I found my dad already sitting there. I raised my hand in greeting and said hi D- the wall exploded and I was blasted back into a titanium wall ( we have very extreme safety mesures seeing how fans a re a very dangerous thing and potentially lethal) I rebooted my system and went to emergency reserves imediatly.
This took about .007 seconds so I was up and ready to fight in no time. I warmed up my repulsors and turned on a light just in time to see the same guy who had taken us down yesterday fly away with my dad. I jumped out of the gaping hole in the wall and turned on my boosters and flew after him.
I chased after him for about half an hour before My jets thinned out I realized I had been flying on an empty stomache. I could still fly so I shot a tracker that stuck to his boot then promptly fainted.
I woke up at the bottom of hudson river (witch by the way is NOT fun) surronded by a shcool of fish, when I opened my eyes they darted away and I got up. I swam to the surface and tryed to remember how I had gotten there.
and I remembered! I got up and flew into the air and for good mesure put a good sized craer in the bank to vent some of my anger. I closed my eyes( when I do this It looks like I'm looking at a computer monitor) I Opened a folder labled "Tracker" and saw that the air dude (As I had started to call him) was two states away and was moving quickly slow him down I detonated the tracker and saw that the little red dot stop and start falling. The only downside to this was I now had no Idea where he was moving if he ever got up again.