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Kate's PoV

'Kate? What are we going to do? I'm getting weak..soon I'll start to lose control and you will take over...then he'll discover US! 'Caitlyn exclaimed frantically inside my head. She's still the one in control so I'm still in my wolf form though I'm starting to get weak,and I'm scared that what Caitlyn said is true.

'I dont know Caitlyn. We just have to face him if ever he'll discover the truth' I replied solemnly.

'I dont want him to reject me Kate. I'm scared! I'll get us out of here right now' Before I could even decipher what she said, I can already feel myself standing up, my legs quivering as I stood up.

'Caitlyn, we cant! He'll just kill us for sure' I argued. We can't do something to provoke them even more.

'Not if we will try our hardest to escape!' Damn. She just doesn't know when to give up.

'But I'm sure either way, he'll just kill us ' I stated sadly. I can't believe that this is how everything is going to end for us.

'But at least we did something we wont regret!' she protested back. 

"LOOK! SHE'S STANDING UP!" I heard one of Night's men shout as soon as he saw me moving my legs to stand.

"We know idiot! Be ready and call for Night immediately! She looks weak because of the syringe so it wont be that hard to put her down again" Another man shouted.

I closed my eyes as I hear their footsteps all around. When I opened them up they are all circling me. I can hear guns being raised up and I can feel them aiming their weapons at me. Hmp...we'll see about that.

I started to move forward causing them to walk back.

The wind blew hard making the trees sway back and leaves started moving in the air. My strong sense of smell made the musty odor sip inside my small brown nose. Its familiar odor reminded me of Samuel's cabin inside the cave. Samuel. I thought back of what he has told me the night before I ran away. He's right. I shouldn't have gone away without his permission, now I'm paying it-miserably.

I growled slightly as I saw them advancing to me again.

'We got this Kate. Just be brave!' Caitlyn encouraged me. 

I gave them a very horrific glare through my dark blue orbs before howling oudly making them step back from their trance.

Since I'm a girl, my howl is louder and sharper making their ears bleed literally. They accidentally dropped their weapons and covered their ears to stop hearing my deadly howl. I grabbed this chance to escape and ran deep into the woods.


My weak legs finally gave in making me fall on my stomach. I tried standing up but I'm too weak to move.I looked behind, my shaky head making my creamy fur quiver. I'm sure I already lost them because I gave my remaining energy to run from them. I dont know if I'm already safe,, but I hope I am.


'Caitlyn, dont worry,just rest and I hope, we'll be able to get out of here'


With that, I can feel my frame getting small and my body getting back to normal.

I tried standing up but my frail legs failed me. Crap,I cant just stay here without any clothes on since the ones that I once brought was left from where Night and his men captured me. what am I gonna do?!

So instead, I grabbed a huge leaf and covered my small naked body.

I guess I'll just have to spend the night here huh?

My eyes are getting heavy and about to close when I heard a voice infront of me.


My eyes shot up and saw the person I love but is my worst nightmare.


OH F*Ck!!!!

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