The Bombshell

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My mouth feels dry. I cant speak. My heart is pumping so hard I can feel my chest rising and falling fast

There's no way he knew.

' But nothing is impossible Kate' Caitlyn piped in. "He just became a PRINCE of Wolf knows what. But he is and now, what else do you think will happen? Of course he'll know and now he KNOWS"

His gaze seems to bore right through me. As if he's watching me-Through me

I cant breath. I need air.

"Its true right?" he said seriously.

"N-No, you-you're mi-mistaken" I stuttered out.

He sighed and stood up

"I know you are. Since the very beginning" he confessed without looking at me.

"How could you say that?" I asked. I have this feeling that he really DOES know. But I'm not going to let my guard down.

What if, he's just having fun with me and I blurt it out then maybe He'll know. 

He's a Vampire Hunter for wolf's sake! It's no different from a Werewolf hunter

"That night when you left the cabin, I know that you're already one of them. I can sense it from you"

I dont know how to react. My whole body felt rigid and numb,unable to move. I was full of shock I can feel that my mouth is gaping but I couldn't careless.

"How did you know?" I half whispered.

Finally, he turned to face me.

His expression is hard and his eyes turned darker than normal.

His jaw tightens as he said the words I never thought I'd hear from him

"Because I WAS one of you"

My Mate Is A Werewolf Hunter (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now