Chapter 1 Part 1

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YN: Your name

LN: Last name

FF: Favourite food

FC: Favourite colour

HC: Hair colour

HL: Hair length

EC: Eye colour


Third person

A massive hand was on top of the wall- A titan's hand. The titan must be about 50 metres tall. 

And just like that, everything changed. At that terrible moment, in our hearts, we knew, home was a pen, humanity cattle.



"Eren" I said, shaking my brother. "Eren! Come on it's time to get up." I got off the bed, and stood next to my blood sister, as Eren woke up. Mikasa, and I are adopted by Eren's family when we were nine, and Mikasa grew attached to Eren in the time we lived together.

"Ngh" Eren grunted, "Mikasa? YN?"

"You overslept," Mikasa stated

"I'm up," Eren said, sitting up, with his fabulous bed hair, "I just, I don't know, it's just like the dream I was having went on forever, and it's gone now..." he rubbed his left eye, "What was it about?" he asked himself.

"Eren, are you..." Mikasa started

"Drooling?" I giggled, as I looked at him. My face turned serious again. "Also, we're late."



"We'll see you later!" Mikasa called out to Carla, in her pink fluffy slippers,

"Alright study hard okay!" Carla replied, not looking up from her cooking, whilst Grisha started at his newspaper. Eren rushed down, grabbed a glass of milk and chugged it in a couple of seconds.

"Eren, hurry up!" Mikasa said, wearing her usual emotionless face. Eren smacked the glass on the table, without breaking it.

"Bye mum see you tonight!" We all rushed put of the door and heard Carla call,

"Have a good first day of school!"


Eren's POV

"AH COME ON! I CAN'T BE LATE FOR MY FIRST DAY!" I yelled, slipping my arm in my new uniform, while running. YN and Mikasa were behind me, unfazed at the situation. "Hey Mikasa, YN! I need you to swear not to tell anyone that you caught me drooling in my sleep!"

"I swear" Mikasa automatically said. 

"I won't tell anyone you put your pants on backwards either!" YN laughed

"Gah! Don't remind me!" I yelled speeding up

"Look out, you need to watch were you are going!" YN shouts

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