Chapter 6 Part 2

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Jean and the others saw Annie and I slip the note into his locker. We ran out and towards the female titan statue, which was pouring water.

"Annie, what should we do?" I whispered

She shrugged, "I guess tell the truth?"

We looked up to see Jean running away, towards the park.

"I guess we could tell the others some information..." We made eye contact, nodded at each other before rushing back into the building.

Jean's POV

I had arrived at the park, brushing a piece of my hair out of my face as I waited for the love of my life to come and sweep me off my feet! Wait... I'm supposed to sweep the lady off her feet! Not the other way around! Ah anyway, where is she?

Footsteps were heard. I turned around to see Annie and YN approaching me. I smirked as YN stood before me. She was shorter than me (5'8") and Annie stood to the side.

"Jean, I need to tell you something..." She said, staring me into my eyes.

"Hey, I already know what you are going to say, so let's get straight to the point,"

She looked at me confused. I was oblivious to the fact all of my other classmates were watching from the bushes.

"What? That is not it I-"

"So what do you say you and I go out and-" 


Something my legs, as I was flipped into the air. I looked up to see a glaring Annie.

"Boys these days... so stupid... Why can't they take a hint, or listen. I am not you secret admirer, nor is YN,"

The 104th came out of the bushes.

"Wh-what are you doing here?!"

"We decided to come and see how things would turn out... I guess things didn't turn out as well as you hoped..." Armin said sheepishly,


After YN and Annie fled, I rushed to open my locker. There was a note inside, the same design and everything.

I opened it, as everyone peered around my shoulders. It told me to meet them at the Attack Park.

"That's YN handwriting!" Eren exclaimed, "No way my sister would love a horse like you!"

"Yeah, you are not YN type..." Mikasa said quietly looking at her hands as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"OH YEAH!" I shouted "THE PARK!" I ran towards the park, clutching my hair as if it was going to fall off.

^^Normal Time^^

"YOU THINK!" I yelled angrily,

"So if you aren't his secret admirer, and YN isn't, then who is?" Sasha asked while stuffing a piece of bread in her mouth.

"I can call her if you want," Annie turned around, and suddenly a huge gust of wind came, blowing everything away. I swear the bread from Sasha's mouth nearly blew out, but luckily for the people behind her, she had the jaws of a T-Rex.

We all looked up to see a titan running our way. As soon as it got into the park, it attempted to hide behind the climbing frame, however, it was unsuccessful. 

"This is who all the notes are from. I wrote them, and Annie helped deliver them!" YN said cheerfully

I looked at the titan. It began to blush


"We go to the same school,"


"Do you know the titan language?" Armin questioned quickly,

"Yes, it is what we learn in school," YN replied,


"So. You will go out with her," Annie glared,

"No way! It's taller than me!"

"Come on Jean, do it! Just do it!"

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"She says you two have a history together. You gave her your lunch,"


^^Flashback^^Third person^^

Jean, Marco and YN were all walking to school together,

"We have an English exam this morning," Marco said


"I didn't study..." YN mumbled quietly,

"You never study, yet you get straight A's!" Jean complained

Footsteps. They were coming closer and closer. They all turned around.

"UH OH! I TITAN!" They all yelled in sync.

The trio started to run off, however Marco tripped over. Jean and YN went to help him up. YN put Marco on her back, which made him blush wildly, ignoring the matter at hand.

"YN! What are you doing?! I'll just slow you down!"

"Not on my watch!"

The titan was getting closer and closer.

"I've got it!" Jean pulled out his omelette rice  YN had made for him and threw it at the titan, landing it in it's mouth.

"COME ON! LET'S GO!" They ran away, as the titan started to chow down on the omelette rice and started to blush when it found out that it was delicious. 

^^Flashback End^^

"Ooh~ You guys would make a good couple!" Sasha cheered

"Just accept her offer!"

"I-I can't date that! She's taller than me!" Jean was mushed into the ground, as the titan ran away in tears.

"She said that she is not giving up," Annie stated plainly,

"I got an idea! YN go flirt with him!"



"Just do it!"


"Fine... for a friend!"

YN crouched down to Jean's level, and gave him a cute smile. 

"Hey Jean, you should date me!"

"EH YN!" Eren yelled 

"Eren let's leave," Everyone left besides Marco, Annie and YN.

"YN, school starts soon, I will tell them that you are ill,"

YN nodded before turning back to Jean. Marco soon chimed in.

"Nooo! Date me!" YN shouted

"You should marry me!" Marco grinned

"But I'm super hot!" YN smirked

"Yeah but Jean's my match! You said that you ship us!" Marco smiled

"Ehehehehe~ Settle down! You can both have me!" Jean said creepily smiling, holding YN and Marco.

999 Words

Please comment what you think! The next chapter is one my favourites! So I am really excited ^^

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