Chapter 2 Part 2

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After the short man ran away with Armin's futon and I, he went to the sewing club, so he could get supplies  to fix Armin's ripped futon. I just sat there awkwardly as he looked around for a needle.

"So um, what's your name?" I asked him, sitting down on a FC bean bag.

"Levi. What is yours?" he said bluntly

"It's YN, YN Ackerman... So you're a third year huh..."

"Yes. Can you help me find a needle with an eye big enough for the thread to fit through?" I simply nodded, as I began opening draws. After opening the third draw, I realised how unorganised this place was, so I began to clean it up.

"Do you like cleaning," Levi questioned, I looked up to see he was right behind me.

"Yeah, I enjoy cleaning, I find it relaxing, so that's why I joined wall clean up club... My friends think I am crazy. How about you?"

"I have OCD, so that's that." he went back to work finding a needle in this mess they call a club.

"Aha! I found one!" I cheered, looking at Levi. Without saying anything, he grabbed the futon, the needle and me once again and took off running- AGAIN.

We arrived at this place, so he put me on his shoulders, before bursting through the door with a paper fan, hitting a boy with brown hair into a bin for putting a plastic bottle in the wrong bin. That boy was Eren.

"YN!" I could hear Armin.

"Ah Levi, excellent form on the slap, then again, you are humanities strongest." Exclaimed another third year, with glasses. I will admit she looked like a crazy person. "Got yourself a girlfriend there?" she continued. I could hear the other boys in my year growl at that statement. I jumped off his shoulders and walked over to Mikasa who hugged me quickly. She glared at Levi for 'stealing' me. I broke out of her grip and walked to Eren.

"Eren are you okay?" I asked him helping him out of the bin. As soon as he was out of the bin, he ran over to Levi.

"Levi, Sir! Can I please join your club?!" Eren pleaded

"Get to cleaning and I'll think about it."

      _.-*-._.-*-._Time Skip_.-*-._.-*-_
{Levi and Eren talk here}

"I see," Levi said before jumping up and hitting all of us with his paper fan. Everyone screamed and flew into the air. Once we landed there was a piece of paper on our faces. It said 'approved'.

"Well done, you are an member of the Scouts."

"Yes, now the wings of freedom belong to us now!" Eren cheered.

     _.-*-._.-*-._Time Skip_.-*-._.-*_
Third person

Eren and the others checked the club sheet.

"WHAAATTT?!?!" They all screamed when they found out that they where in Wall clean up club.

"Yayy! You joined Wall clean up club with Rico and I!" YN cheered

"But we handed in our forms on time!" Eren complained

"Didn't you know? The Scouts isn't a proper club."



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