The whole town was pretty before, battle grounds tattered up the pretty looking country in the ruel area, located in the Mountains. The people who made the mountain was now in disgrace and horror at how terrible their land looked, but that's what happens when you mix chaos and fear and rebelling feeling when you want to stand up for what's right. The battle began at least a month ago, but being busy for fighting the government has stopped me from reporting when it actually happened. When it began, It was hardly noticeable, it was so subtle
But a' las I noticed it, it began with a story of my family-- the ones that fought to the end till their deaths, my father was in charge of the rebelling force, to which everyone followed, he was someone who could manipulate the way people thought. The rebelling force grew as the community grew as well, the government was yet to notice him, he continued to influence the people, training them for this day, my mother was the food provider that cooked for everyone and provided residency for the rebel group. As the group grew, it grabbed the attention of the government, an officer came to his door one day, begging him to stop this, my father gratefully declined and shut the door in his face, he was crossing the line. My family was always like that.
Strike three!
The Shallow Earth
NouvellesStrike one) you're out Strike two) you're warned Strike three) you're crossing the line Strike four) you're pushing it Strike five) you're going too far Strike six) you're on the edge now Strike seven) don't even dare Strike eight) don't you do it ...