Hung Over Keith ~ Collage AU

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In the morning Keith woke with a pounding headache, his throat was sore and he felt sick. He only remembered blurs from the night before. He remembered Lance getting him drunk then him... Oh shit. Keith remembered what he and Lance had done in the bathroom, how his body took over as his mind was spinning.

He sat up quickly, his the room spinning from the action, this only causing Keith to have to lay down again.

Then Lance walked in, a glass of water and pain killers in his hands. "You're awake and looking good..."

"You're joking right?" Keith groaned as he sat up again, this time slower. Lance was now sitting beside him on the bed handing him the pills and drink.

The tanned male spoke as Keith popped the pills in his mouth and took a gulp of the water. "Oh yeah... you seemed to enjoy yourself last night though, despite all the complaining you did on the way there."

"Shut up... about what happened in the was-" LAnce laughed, shaking his head in a joking way. "What are you laughing about? I'm apologizing."

"Babe, that was the best blowjob I have ever gotten in my life! Honestly you need to come to more parties if that is my payment!" Keith put the water down on thier bedside table before punching Lance in the arm. The pills already beginning to get rid of his headache.

"I was drunk..."

"Yeah on only a couple of drinks! I cannot imagine what your throat and head might feel like right now!" Keith rolled his eyes then laid his head on Lance's shoulder, this letting the tanned male wrap his arms around the hungover boy.

"I feel sick..." Lance chuckled then pulled away.

"You can puke, just not on me! Lay down I'll bring you breakfast in bed today..." Keith nodded as Lance left again, coming back with a tray of pancakes and maple syrup, blueberries sprinkled on top.

Keith mumbled a thank you before digging in. Lance sat silently and watched, this causing Keith to look at him questionable before finally speaking. "What are you thinking?"

"Just about how cute you are... and how energetic you were last night..." Keith closed his eyes in a way to contain himself, he did not want to know how he acted last night. It really did not feel important for him to know how he acted. The memory of how sexual he was towards Lance was enough.

Keith blushed deeply, looking back down to his food, taking another bite of his pancake. "It's okay babe, I liked it..."

"Shut up Lance, before I knock you out..." Lance laughed and got up again. His hands up in playful surrender as he walked out of the room backwards. This causing Keith to laugh at his boyfriends actions.

"I'm gonna go and finish up tidying up, my parents are deciding to drop by in an hour so you know, the place better look good." Keith began to get up but Lance hed out his hand. "I recommend you milk it and pretend you caught a cold or something. IT's worth it okay?"

"Fine..." Keith sat back down, a little excitement growing in his chest on how he was about to be babied by the McClain's.

"Okay... I'll be back, get some more rest. I love you..." Lance blew a kiss before leaving Keith alone in the room to finish his breakfast and relax. Though the only thoughts running through his head were those of him and Lance in the washroom last night. 

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