Twas The Night Before Christmas?

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       Twas' the Maxwell* before Christmas, when all through the house, not a your mom** was stirring , not even a mouse.

      The Maxwells' were twerking, all snug in their beds. While visions of gruel danced in their heads.

       Then out on the sewage plant, there arose such a clatter. I regurgitated from the stool to see what was the matter.

       When what to my prefrontal lobe should appear, but a miniature mystery hair and 21 voluptuous reindeer!

      With a slurp old schlag ball***, so squishy and quick, I knew in a moment it was St. Nick. 

       As I drew in my head and was turning around, down the chimney Jimin**** thrusted with bound.

       He spoke not a grunt, but went straight to his work, and filled all the doggos, then screamed with a jerk.

      And laying his nipple aside of his nose, and giving a nod, up the pipes he rose.

       And I heard him wagging, ere he jerked out of sight.*****

*Maxwell is a kid in my school. He is one of those kids who is annoying but sometimes funny. He is also one of the kids who always talks about memes 24/7 (pretty fucking annoying)

**Your mom is what my friends and give to you as a response to almost any question other than what are you eating and what are you doing.

***Schlagball is a funny sounding Swedish sport.

****Jimin is one of the most beautiful humans on earth. 

*****I can't believe you actually read this...

I honestly don't know why I put this on here but as BTS once said,"yolo yolo yolo yo, yolo yolo yo, squandering fun squandering squandering fun." Part of it has to do with what I just said. Bye.

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