Good times are here

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Few weeks later
Now everyone was happy and they were a happy family but Amber still couldn’t be same as she
was with the guys like she was before. Right now she was sitting alone in her room with lights
turned off. She felt like someone was looking at her and there was someone else in the room.
She was right when she turned toward the window the person who was standing there was one
and only Angel. For few minutes they just started at each other but it was cold outside so she let
him in through the window, but didn’t say a word to him. Deep down Amber had already forgiven
him and wanted to be his friend again. Angel spoke up first, “I can’t stay away anymore.” Amber
was surprised to hear what he said. I won’t deny I do have feeling for him, but I don’t know if I
am ready to try us. Angel came to me and hugged me and finally said, “please can we start as
friends and then maybe… maybe we can take the next step?” I just smiled and nodded and
said, “yup… friends then.”

After that they started to chat and everything came out well.
Time skip 3 months.
Amber, “Wow, today I have date and who would have thought it was with Angel.” After all that
roller coaster’s dip finally it was going up. But soon it will end and it will end with cute
grandchildren of Angel and Amber.

Thank you for reading my first book. I know some parts might not be right but hey everyone
makes mistakes. English is not my first language so sorry if there was mistakes and if you don’t like it.

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