Making Amends

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That night, Hilda couldn't sleep, the bed was extremely soft, and the blankets were warm, but it wasn't what she was used to.

She missed the cold and hard feel of her old bed, and the cold feel of her blanket, though it wasn't the most comfortable of beds, it was what made her happy.

Hilda looked at her watch, it revealed the time was 3:45 am, she thought it was useless to try and sleep at this time, so she got up and headed for the shower, only to find the door was locked, who locks the bathroom door? People need to get in you know, Hilda then noticed steam coming out from under the door, that explained it, someone was already in there, who it was still peaked her interest, WHY would anyone shower at this time? WHO would shower at this time?

The answer was revealed to Hilda once the door unlocked and opened, the smell of Mint leaves came from it, but she knew instantly it wasn't Bon-Bon, she smells more of cotton candy, and Spec's smelled of the ocean, so who was it, as the figure stepped out from the door, Hilda gasped and shrunk down a little at who it was, "Oh My gosh" she whispered under her breath "I'm so sorry Moe", Moe was soaking wet from the water, he looked a say the least.

"Were you...planning on using this?" he asked, Hilda nodded, he quickly moved out of the way so she could go in, "Hey" he called out "Once your done, wanna come for a stroll with me?" Hilda looked a little hesitant, but then again, she had nothing better to do. Hilda nodded in response, Moe gave a little smirk, but it wasn't that noticeable.


After her shower, Hilda hopped out and got dressed, when she left the bathroom, she noticed Moe standing there, waiting for her, with his Lemon yellow shirt and Grey jeans, she giggled at the sight of him, as she slipped on her brown jacket, he grabbed his Green coat and opened the room door, holding it open for Hilda as he gestured a 'come on' with his head, Hilda walked out the door, thanking him for holding it open and Moe followed behind her, shutting it as he walked, "So, why did you want me to come along with you?" Hilda asked him, Moe gave her a little glance, "I do this kinda thing all the time, and It get's lonely so I figured, why not ask her to come along?" Hilda felt her heart leap, that was emotion coming from someone who looked like he didn't feel anything other than anger and resentment.

As the two continued walking, Hilda began to notice the true beauty of the city, the lights gleamed everywhere, there were cars whizzing past, causing beautiful white and red lights going past on the streets, no wonder Moe liked getting up at this time. "Gosh I'm getting hungry" Hilda said, Moe looked at her and gave a little laugh, "The Kitchens open, wanna go get something to eat?" he asked, instantly Hilda nodded, "Sweet" Moe answered "I usually help around the kitchen, so if you want to, I can show you how it works, I'll even fix you up something to eat" Hilda looked at him with wide eyes, "Sure, I'd love to", "Then come on, let's go"

Both of them walked down to the cafe area and into the kitchen.


Moe showed Hilda everything she would need to know if she ever got put to work n the Kitchen, after the "lesson" I guess you could call it, Moe cooked up Bacon and Eggs for them both, the two sat down at one of the tables and ate, Moe then looked at Hilda, "" he started "Sorry for before", Hilda looked up at him and smiled "It's no problem, I understand", "I just get really protective after...what happened, but in anycase, I shouldn't have lashed out at you, you didn't deserve it" he explained "Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do" Hilda added as she laughed, Moe finally gave into a smile and chuckled with her, finally one of her problems was out of the way, she had finally made amends with Moe, perhaps now life would be a little easier for her.

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