Chapter 7 Part of me

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Grace's POV

After this Katy and Liz left and I was on my own again. On the intensive care was no TV so I let the whole situation run through my mind.

So much just happened in a half hour. I met Katy who's like the most wonderful person I've ever met and I will get a kidney and those dyalises have an end.

This made really made my day and I was so ecxited about tomorrow. Then I tried to sleep again. I was really exhausted because of like everything so I closed my eyes and fell asleep some time later.


The next morning I woke up by myself. I pressed the nurse-buttom and Audrey came in. She has brown curly hair and is my second favorite nurse. I looked to the clock besides me. It read 10.34 am. I just drew 13 hours!

'What's up?' Audrey said.

'Morning!' I said. I wondered where Katy was and thought about asking Audrey.

'So...Tommorow is the transplantation. Are you afraid?' She asked.

'Yeah a bit. I always think about what will happen when something goes wrong?'

'It's going to be alright I promise!'

'I hope so...'

'Sorry but I have to go to some other kids. I'll be back in an hour.'


'Do you need something?'

', thanks.'

Then she went out of the room and I was alone again. For some minutes I didn't do anything and just looked at the wall in front of me. Those thoughts that I don't survive the OP was always there.

Finally I grabbed to my side where my lyric book still layed. I searched a blank page and teared it out. Then I took my green-hospital-promotion-pen and wrote a headding on it:

10 things I have to do before I die:

I chewed on pen cap to concentrate better but nothing good came into my head.

Suddenly I heard a knocking on the door. I put the paper quickly into the book.

'Yes!' I tried to shout but my voice was to weak and only a crook came out.

'Morning!' I heard a familiar voice. It was Katy. A smile spread across my face right away.

'Hi! Nice to see you.'

'I hope it's okay that I'm here.'

'Of course it is!'

Katy's POV

I woke up with a sigh. My back hurted like hell. I can't get used to this hospital beds.

I moved my head to the left where my phone was and pressed the Home Buttom. The clock read 10.04 am. So I stood up and went to the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and my shoulder-long hair I walked over to the small closet and picked out the onliest clothes I took with me. When I had them on I got my sun glasses and my phone and finally I got out of the room to the long white painted floor.

There was a nurse with brown curly hair who stood in front of a shelf with documents laying on it. I walked over to her.

'Excuse me?' I said.

'Yes?' She said while she rummaged through them.

'I wanted to see someone?'

'Yes. Who?' She asked and looked up to me. She skanned me and smiled.
'By the way I am Audrey.'

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