Cole? I think Tiffany likes you

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Callie has her brother and sister back. "Cole this is our family!" Callie squealed happily. She ran to me when she saw me. "Hey man." Lou said.

"Hey. Hows it been? Louis you have a lot of explaining to do." I told him. He nodded. We went back to my house. We are at my house.

"Well. I did try to save mom and dad but I couldn't. So I ran off. And never came back." Lou told us. We nodded. So Callie pulled me to the side and told me," Tiffany really likes you,Bro. Like she wants to marry you."

"Oh. Ok. I mean I like her too." I told her. She nodded. I walked into the kitchen and saw Tiffany sitting on the chair. "Hey Tiff. Would you want to go out with me?" I askes her. "HELL YES!" She squealed happily.

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