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So yes this is fucking confusing  so let me explain to you

Jungkook loves Taehyung

Taehyung loves Jungkook

Jungkook hates Me... V

Taehyung hates Kookie

Kookie loves Me...V

Me V loves Kookie

Kookie hates Taehyung 

Me V... I wouldn't say I hate Jungkook it's not like I like him or anything like

But Jungkook is just a nice person to hang around than Kookie

Because Kookie is just someone I like to fuck and have a little love for


Jungkook looks at me with confused look

" Your saying *clears throat* Taehyung and I knew each other since we were little ? "

Jungkook asks

I roll my eyes

" Well since I brought this conversation up I mind as well tell you what happened... Let's sit down "

I say and then walk over to the couch and sit down waiting for Jungkook to sit down

He walks over and sits down leaving a big amount space between us

" Jungkook... I don't fucki- * clears throat * Jungkook I don't bite "

I say patting the empty space between us

Jungkook looks at the space then at me very uneasy

" Come on I don't have all day "

I say nicely

What nicely?....

Jungkook slides over but sits close to me

To close

I slide over slowly so that he doesn't notice

" Well when Taehyung was little it was when he was four he attend the first grade but he really couldn't  speak because he was really really shy but what happen was since he really didn't talk that much he really didn't have any friends at all and his parents died when he was younger so he didn't have a perfect youth or at least a decent youth. But anyways that's how I came into existence within Taehyung... Every single day I was in charge because Taehyung didn't want to go through  the days being picked on and stuff like that. But it was on September 1st I met you... It was your birthday and everyone was standing around the table in the classroom and I was sitting in the back talking to Taehyung. When you blew the candles out and everyone ran for plates from the teacher but you didn't you stayed there and look over at me. We made
eye contact for over twelve seconds then you stuck out your index finger and move it back and forth telling me to come to you. and I did I came to you and stood right in front of you and you gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I remembered blushing so hard after you gave me a kiss on the cheek and all you did was smile at me then you said My name Jungkook what's yours . I responded back by saying Taeh- I mean my name is V. Then you place your hand on my chest were my heart was and then grabbed my hand and then placed it on your chest were your heart was. You never have to be alone V  I will be your best friend you said and then take your hand of  my chest and I took my hand off yours. Ever since that day we were the best of friends through out youth even though when we were about thirteen you were kinda a perv. * Clears throat* but when you were about to move and leave me in Busan  alone we went to our secret place in the woods that's when you kissed me on the lips just a peck and I looked at you for a moment but I leaned in because I felt like I needed you more than ever. That day was the first time I ever kissed  anyone and kissed so passionately. But after we return home you got into the car with your mom and dad and waved at me as you drove away and I never waved back nor did I smile and you just stopped waving at me and looked at me confused. When you disappeared from as far as my eyes could see I return back to my foster home and cried myself to sleep. Because I was confused and had mixed emotions about you and still I do. I'm still curious on how you made me have the feelings I had for you, Why were you the only person that talked to me even though people called me weird because I talked to myself, and why did I love you and why did you love me. "

I say finally ending and let out a deep sigh and then look at  Jungkook

" Do you still love me.... Jungkook?  "

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