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That's what I'm trying to do

Trying to do?

Oh of course you don't know but I will tell you anyways

So I don't know why Taehyung doesn't remember me at all it's kinda weird that he doesn't because we fucked like almost every single day

Shit who wouldn't remember that?

But anyways

When the sunshine shines through the window I was the first to be up

As me and Taehyung lay side by side naked on the sheets of his bed I look over at him and smile

How beautiful he is after sex

Chest rising and then lowering

" Taehyung "

I say

He turns on his side and looks me straight in my eyes and smiles

" Can I ask you a question? "

I ask still laying on my back

" Yes "

He says

I turn to my side and rest my head on my hand

" Why don't you remember me?"

I ask

He sits and rests his back on the head board of his bed

" I can't deny you are familiar...But...I remember I was crying and then before I knew it I was laying down on a hospital bed and one of the nurses told me I got into a wreck with a tractor trailer and I was lucky to be alive "

He says

" Why were you crying? "

I ask out of curiosity

" I-I... left someone I loved because they told me to get out of their life so I did and... I went home and took my car for a drive and the roaring of the engine made my anger and sadness go away so I... kept my foot on the pedal"

He stands up and flashes me a smile and walks off

I stand up and stand there for a minute

" Taehyung ! "

I yell and he stop walking and turned around my way and look at me with tears running slowly done his cheeks

I run up to him and stand in front of him

" Your crying "

I tell him

He touches his cheek slowly and wipes them away and then sniffles

" I'm not crying I'm sweating "

He says seriously

I sigh

"  Taehyung it's okay to cry we cry we all cry "

I say wiping off his other cheek

" Well I d-don't cry "

He says making little sniffles

I want to pull him into a hug but I can't bring myself to hug him because of the words I said to him

Basically guilt was holding me back

We stand in awkward silence

Taehyung still sniffling with his red shot nose

Me well just standing there looking at Taehyung make his little sniffles

" Pretty bad ass don't you think ? "

I ask him

He looks at me with his light red eyes  in confusion

" What? "

He asks wiping his nose

" Saying those words to me and then stealing one more kiss from me and then walking away without turning around until I called your name.... that was pretty badass but then you were crying which ruin your badass reputation"

I say jokingly hitting his arm in playful manner

He flashes a smile but then his smile disappears and then he takes both of his hands  and places them on my cheeks having my face in the middle of his soft beautiful hands

" Your holding me back Jungkook I gotta go "

He says and pats my cheek gently and then backs away

I come closer to him and place my hand on his  neck and lean in slowly

But he stops me by putting his index finger on my lips

" No Jungkook "

He says and I lean back and take my hand off his neck

He holds out his hand

" Bye Jeon Jungkook "

He says

Flashback to ends

A sudden guilt feeling surrounded me and soon started to feel sick

" Jungkook "

E says and snaps me out of my guilt stage

" Taehyung... I-I'm sorry "

I say sitting up and resting my back on the headboard of his bed

" What? "

He asks looking at me with confusion

" I'm sorry... I-I caused you so much pain "

I say

" What are you talking about ? "

He asks

" I was there and I was the one that told you ... I-I wanted you out of my life and that I was mistake "

Bunny teeth◇ Vkook/Taekook[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now