I saw Yunho with his band passed BTS dressing room. Then, I saw jungkook run out and followed Yunho. I followed them until they reached rooftop of the building. They had some conversation and I heard everything. "Liar!!! Best friend ?! His acting got better,why the hell he being an idol!!!" I said to myself after Yunho left Jungkook. I walked towards jungkook and tap his right shoulder. He turn around and smiled at me. "You OK?" I asked him and he just nodded. An awkward silent started between us. He suddenly asked me a weird question. "Who are you?"
I looked at him and smiled. I didn't answer his question. Then, he ran to me and jump on my back. "Hyung!!!" he laugh behind me. "Ya!!!hahaha" I want to scold him but angry is not myself. I am a cheerful and talkative person. Well, I am Seunghyun OK.>>>Skip ( The Show )
Jungkook POV
We had dance battle segment on The Show. After Namjoon hyung turns is Jin hyung turns. Me and other BTS really shocked at him because he dance so well. We clap our hands because his dance is really amazing. It's not like Jin hyung. Well, actually he is not Jin hyung. After The Show, we go home because tomorrow we have photoshoot. When we arrived at our dorm, I went to my room and searched about Seunghyun. It is a bit hard finding Seunghyun. But, a friend of mine on the social media said Seunghyun have been a trainee under YG entertainment and almost debut with Big Bang but he gone. I asked my friend to give a picture of Seunghyun. I am really surprised seeing the picture. He is the one. He is in Jin hyung room. But, why I can see his real face while the other can't ? Jungkook asked himself. I asked my friend about Seunghyun if he is the one that dead at our dorm. I am surprised again because Seunghyun didn't reported on the news dead. He is gone for a long time. Then, who dead in our home? Another Seunghyun? But, this Seunghyun also famous because having a friendship with Jung Yunho. What's happen actually?! Jungkook headache thinking about the problem and went to sleep on his bed.
* Sorry it is a bit short. Actually real short. Also,sorry for the wrong grammar.