Coming Out

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Dean knee he had to come out to his brother... and Cass. "How do I do this?!" Dean asked himself. He finally decided he was just going to call Cass and Sam into the room and give it to them straight.

"Cass... Sam... I've got something to tell you." Dean said. "What is it Dean?!" Cass and Sam said simultaneously. Dean hesitated for a minute. "Guys.... I'm gay... and I think I'm in love with Cass." After Dean got that off of his chest, he felt much better. Sam finally found the words to say. "Dean.. I am so happy for you. And I am so glad you came out to me. Just know that no matter what, I will always be here." Dean looked up and gave Sam a slight smile.

"Dean...I..." Cass's voice trailed off. "Dean I think I'm in love with you too." Cass then leaned in and gave Dean a kiss. As they were kissing, Dean thought " I love him so much."
Cass thought the same. And Dean hoped he would never lose him.

Dean then got a call from Bobby. "Boys we got a demon infestation down in Louisiana that I think you guys need to go check out." "Alright thanks Bobby." Dean then hung up the phone. "Got a lead?" Sam asked. "Demon infestation down in Louisiana. Let's go." Said Dean

So they packed up their stuff and headed to Dean's impala. After they load up, they head for Louisiana.

After 15 long hours, the brothers finally arrived. They decided to find a hotel and get some rest. "Over there is a motel." Sam said while pointing west. So Dean pulled into the parking lot and went in to the office for a room.
"Two queens." Said Dean "Yes sir, said the worker. After he got the key, him and Sam went to their room.

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