Chapter 2 Reunions

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"For the last time, Asgore, NO!" Toriel yelled on her phone. She already had it with her ex-husband's attempts to win her back. She hated his guts. She hated him for how he may be the reason their own children are dead. Ever since they came to the Surface, she's been trying to get him to leave her alone as much as possible. He was still persistent as ever. He was just stalking her now in an attempt to win her back. He called her or sent text messages most of the time; in the morning, while making breakfast, while out with Frisk, while she was reading, while she was with Sans, and now even while she was cleaning the house! It was so annoying.

"But, Tori..." he begged on the phone.

"Don't you 'Tori' me! You can forget all about it! There's nothing you can do right now to undo what you have caused! Now leave me alone!" she had the last word before hanging up.

"Knock, knock" a familiar voice came from the door.

The goat lady calmed herself down with a deep breath. "Who's there?" she waited for his joke.


"Doris who?"

"Doris locked, that's why I'm knocking"

She laughed from that. Sans' jokes may be terrible to everyone, but to her it was always enough to brighten up her mood no matter what. Recovering from her laughing fit, she opened the door to be greeted by the skeleton.

"Hey Toriel" he greeted.

"Hello Sans. What brings you by?" she asked.

"Oh, I just thought why not drop by to say hello. Where's the kid?"

"Frisk went out to find someone who she believes was left behind in the Underground when we all escaped. I tried to tell her we all got out and no one if left there, but she decided to go anyway. I let her go, so long as she used the climbing gear for her safety"

"Ah, I see. How long has she been gone?"

"A while, and I'm starting to get worried"

He paused for a bit before speaking again. "Do you wanna go and check on her?"

"MOM!" a loud voice rang out, drawing their attention. They averted their attention over to a worried and panicking Frisk who was carrying another human.

Toriel knew that human anywhere, not a day goes by that she doesn't think of her.

"Chara?" she ran over to see if it was really what she was seeing.

Frisk had help from Flowey to set Chara down on the ground. The flower set himself beside them to watch what was going on and hope the wounded one would be alright. Toriel checked her child. That was when she started to move.

Chara opened her eyes half-lidded again. "Mom?"

"Chara!" Toriel held her daughter in a loving embrace. "Oh, my child, it's really you"

" hurts..."

"Don't worry, my child. You'll be alright. Here, let me heal you" she then used her healing magic to restore Chara's full HP. The bruise marks went away and her breathing went to normal. She gave a faint smile before closing her eyes.

"Is she okay?" Frisk asked, still worried for the girl and how Flowey would react if she was in critical condition.

Toriel nodded, picking her up. "She's just sleeping now. She needs rest"

Frisk nodded while Flowey let out a sigh of relief. Toriel then turned to Sans before speaking. "Everyone, come inside, please. I'll take her upstairs to rest and we'll all talk in the living room, okay?"

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