Chapter 10

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Here's the next chapter~! I work fast don't I? xD If you have time, please check out my completed short story as well! "The Battle Begins".

Please comment and vote! It really helps me be inspired to keep writing~

And this is dedicated to my childhood best friend for not getting pissed at me for reasons~


Chapter 10 – Grinning From Ear to Ear

Saturday rolled in and Daniel hadn’t bothered me at all during the past days. Annelise stayed with me the whole time and I don’t believe I’ve ever smiled this much in the past. The afternoon sun shone in all of its glory in the skies and I exited the house after locking the door with a bounce in my steps.

Did I mention Annelise and I were going out? No! Not as girlfriend and boyfriend! Only as friends; it’s our special night after all.

I’ll probably faint from extreme joy if she ever went out with me.

So, we’re planning to go to the movies and then eat at someplace we can find before going to the park. Typical hangout ain’t it?

I smoothed out my white tee shirt and red coloured checker shirt before turning the ignition to my car on. Switching on the radio, I pulled out of the garage and it didn’t take long before I reached her house. Just as I arrived, Annelise was just locking her front door. I took that chance to watch her. Her red hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, the soft waves bouncing with her every step. When she turned on her heel, I swear my breath got hitched in my throat. She smiled at me and her eyes were shining with happiness and excitement but I noticed her slender fingers clutching hard on the strap of her sling bag.

‘Cute,’ I thought whilst chuckling to myself.

I waved a hand at her and she made her way over. Annelise quickly got in and I drove to the mall and swiftly parked at a parking spot. I got out of the car and circled it until I reached Annelise’s side, opening the door for her.

“Why thank you, good sir,” she said in an imitation of a British accent and slid her hand into my open one as I helped her out of the car.

“It’s my pleasure, my fair lady,” I replied with a bow, my imitation of the accent sounding more of a croak than an Englishman.

Laughter rang in my ears as I grinned. At least I get a point for making her laugh. After locking the car, we walked to the cinemas and scanned through the choice of movies.

“That one!” We both exclaimed in sync as we pointed out fingers at the action movie. We turned our heads to face each other with confused expressions before smiling like idiots.

The movie was certainly amusing in my opinion. Seriously, I never thought the guy would actually have to do the dishes because he forgot his wallet and created a food fight in the high class restaurant and he shrugged the manager off with a, “Grow up old man before you lose the last strand of white hair on your squeaky head.” The sound of our laughter was the loudest in the entire room and we were surprised to not have been kicked out with our rude remarks. The large popcorn we bought was gone in a matter of minutes of the movie starting and both of us had heavy butts that refused to move from the comfy seats, so we had to brave ourselves through the starvation.

Right after that, in a hurried manner, we got out of the cinema and our eyes searched for a decent restaurant instantly. A place at a corner of the shops caught my attention and I faced Annelise with a question. “Are you up for Japanese?”

“Anything works for me! Anything edible that is. My stomach’s already crying.”

I held onto her hand and dragged her to the attention-caught restaurant. We were greeted warmly by every worker that said Irrashaimase which meant ‘Welcome’ in Japanese. They showed us to a table near the window and placed the menus on the table as we got seated comfortably. I already knew what my orders would be, so I spent my time watching Annelise scrunch her face into an adorable expression as she read the menu. I rested my chin in the palm of my hands and I caught her eyes glancing up at me before returning to the menu.

“Know what you want?” I questioned when she set the menu down.

She nodded her head. “But I don’t know what you want.” I quirked a brow at her to continue. “You’re staring at me,” she told me like it was the most obvious thing.

“Of course I am,” I said in a sing-song voice. I waved for the waiter over, cutting her short of her argument.

“Hello. May I take your orders now?”

I didn’t reply him. My breath was caught in my throat and I instinctively scooted further away from him. Fear was clearly evident in my face. Annelise turned her gaze from me and to the waiter, and from the corner of my eyes, I saw her jaw clench. Daniel stood right in front of us in his waiter outfit and a notepad in his hands. His face was calm and collected, as if Annelise’s and my presence didn’t faze him.

“What are your orders?” he asked, his pen hovering above the paper.

I told him my orders quickly and looked at Annelise to do the same, to just let him go away fast. Her left eye twitched from annoyance but she complied with my silent wishes. When he left, he didn’t even spare me a second glance and walked away, leaving me to regain my breath. With one final deep breath, I put the smile on my face and averted my attention back to Annelise who was frowning at me with worry.

My façade dropped a little and I forced a reassuring smile to appear, my eyes begging her to not ask and make a scene. Once again, she complied with my wishes. She put her elbows on the table, her head resting on her interlaced hands and a cheeky grin was there.

“So,” she started, looking at me in my eyes. “This has been on my mind for a long time…but who do you like?”

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