One Direction❕❗❕❗❕❗????

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After I took a shower I blow dried and brushed My hair out. It was natural wavey so I had to straighten it. I Did some light blush and mascara. I Did a very light pink lipstick. I l looked in the mirror to make sure it looked just right. I never used alot of makeup it was always a natural kind of look.

"OK, I'm ready to go." I said walking down stairs but there was no reply. "Grandma?" I called out to see where she was but she still didnt answer. I started to worry. "Grandma!" I almost yelled this time.

"In here, honey!" She finaly replied and I followed her voice into the living room. She was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"That boy band you like, ummm One Difference is it?"

"No grandma,its One Direction." I said trying My best not to laugh.

"Oh Well, the TV man said that they had arrived this morning in our town." She said like it was nothing. My eyes widened and My mouth dropped open. Were they really!!! I closed My mouth and calmed My self down.

"Anyways we should be going, if we want to get back in time to have dinner at the right time." I said getting up of the couch. I helped My grandma up and we walked out the door and to My car. I had a 2014 Nissan Maxima, so it was a really nice car. I helped My grandma get in then I went to the drivers side and climed in.

As we arrived to the store I saw 5 people in black ghoodies get out of a car and walk in keeping thirty heads low. That could only mean two things, 1.)Robbers or 2.) One Direction.

I am going to go with One Direction because robberies almost never happened in this town. I parked as close to thier car as I could. And helped My grandma get out. I walked as fast as possible inside of the store and grabbed a cart. I made sure My grandma was next to me the whole time.

I looked around the store and found were they had gone I slowly made it to the isle they were on so i didnt look suspicious.

"So grandma,  where is the bread supposed to be it isn't over here, like you said." I spoke up when we were behind them. I heard a couple of them laugh quietly. Oh how I love thier laughs.

"Oh,  it must be here somewhere."She said looking up and down the isle. Just then I found a reason to talk to one of them. Just stay calm I thought to My self.

"Excuse me," I said tapping one if them on the shoulder. They all turned around and looked at me."I'm sorry, but I just moved here... for certain reasons. And Well I have no idea where anything is and apparently neither does My grandma.Do you know where could find the bread?" I was able to stay calm and act like I didnt know who they are. I felt bad that I couldnt tell them what the reasons were right now. The one I was directing this to just had to be Zayn, I could tell.

"Its a few isles down that way." Yep, definatly Zayn. He pointed towards the left of us. "Anything else?" I knew how I could let them know the reasons. I pretend to look for a list but I tore the page I wrote in My diary  earlier out. I wrote My number on the page .

"Well, I do need milk." I said laughing.

"It'll be that way." This time it was Nial who spoke up.

"Thank you, but one more thing,".I had folded the page up and had it in My hand when I stuck it out to shake Zayn's hand."My name is Katherine, Kat for short." Zayn stuck out his hand and shook it, as he Did I stuck the page in his hand. He looked at me questioningly but didnt say anything.

"I'm-" Zayn started but I cut him off.

"I know who you are, I know who all of you are." I said matter-of-factly.

"Oh really, who are we?" Harry said with smirk, while everyone else gave me a confused look.

"OK, You are Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, and Nial Horn." I pointed at each one of them as i said thier name. "You guys really think you can out smart Directioners. Nope, 1.) Five people in hoodies looks a little suspicious, consdiering the media has announced yalls arrival here. and 2.) Even with hoodies and sunglasses any Directioner could pick you out easily."I  said. They just starred back at me.It was turning into an awkward silence.

"Anyways we should be going." Liam said and they all walked away after saying good by. I walked over to My grandma who was waiting patiently by the cart. When I got there I let out I little squeal.

"It isn't a big deal its just One Difference."

"Its One Direction, not One Difference. And Yes it is a big deal." I said just a bit annoyed. "Anyways let's go get the groceries."

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