Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I own nothing. LoZ:Botw is owned by Nintendo. I own the plot and oc's.

A/N: Doing this right now because I am fueled with sentences and paragraphs bouncing all over in my head! Don't be shy to comment and share your thoughts!

Title: Forgotten legends of Hyrule

Warning: Post-BotW, oc's, legends to fit in the game, origins and timeliness placed to fit whatever century of earth/Hyrule is, slow build (like SLOW, because I'm making this as I go, please bare with me)


Chapter 1

All was peaceful in the Zora Domain. The folks were spending their day in and day out in bliss and happiness. Ever since the Vah Ruta incident everyone was spending theirs days in the sun after a hundred years of endless rain.

No more fear as the children and elderly were now able to walk the streets of their city again.

Laughter and happy idle chatting is what Prince Sidon came to as he took his daily walks down the road and through the bazaar and market place.

Chuckling heartily, he waved at some of the younger Zora's as the children happily and animatedly waved at him.

'Ah, the smiles of the innocence. This is what we protect from the dangers such as calamity Ganon. And many more to come, hopefully.', Sidon thought as he continued on his day.

After an hour or two of wandering the city, he was about to call it a day when a surprising sound reached his ears. It wasn't the type he'd heard in a long, long time, but very familiar none the less,

"Stop, thief!", yelled the definite owner of the stand who sells smoked fans dried fish.

"Get back here you little mongrel!", yelled another, who Sidon sees that sells bread.

Sidon, with brow ridges raised, blinked several times. "Robbery? Haven't seen those in a long time. Of course, no one has to, not after Ruta was controlled.", he mused.

Walking towards the two owners direction, nodding his head to those who gathered as they bowed their respects, he cleared his throat.

The stall owners jumped and quickly turned to see their Prince, and balked.

"You're Highness!", the immediately bowed.

Sidon, bemused, merely shook his head. "I see the little thief got away?"

The two Zora's flinched. Not from his tone but from his question. They were overly embarrassed.

"Y-Yes, your highness. About the f-fifth time in two weeks, sire.", the elder female mint green scaled Zora stuttered, blushing furiously from shame and embarrassment.

Sidon merely hummed, thinking for a bit before asking.

"How much have they taken?"

The stall owners fortunately did not receive a whiplash from how fast they looked up from their bowed position and stare wide eyed at him, thinking that he lost his mind. With a question like that, Sidon must have.

"About two h-hundred and forty e-eight rupees, for the fishes, sire.", said the male Zora with the deep sapphire scales.

"A hundred a-and seventy four r-rupees for the breads, your majesty."

Might as well end their existence now, because the stall owners could not have hit an all time low in that exact moment. Add to that, their prince paid for all the thief took.....They were better off hiding under a rock for the rest of their life.

Sputtering many thank you's both stall owners scrambled back to their jobs. And have one of their companions look after for a while whilst they hide their embarrassed faces.

Since there was still light, Sidon decided to follow the runaway thief with the help of onlookers and the guards posted in some pathways and forked roads. All pointed in the direction that lead out the city.

"Hmm, how peculiar.", he mumbled.

He continued to follow the tracks left behind, but stopped to where it lead.

The tracks stopped by one of the rivers that pass through the city inland, all the way towards the coast. Sidon looked around for any misleads but found none. He blinked before he looked at the river.

"They couldn't have jumped in, could they?"

Only one way to find out.

Effortlessly diving in and into the deep river, Sidon began to look around for something that did not belong.

For the rest of the hour Sidon resurfaced. He had found nothing from his excursion.

"How did they disappear without a trace?", Sidon asked himself as he got out of the water.

"They must have used magic. If so, that was quite a thief. Interesting." He grinned at the prospect of a challenge.

"Whoever the thief is, they will surely return. There is no other food source closer than the Zora domain. Ha, I cannot wait to confront them!"

With a final merry deceleration, Sidon walked back towards his home. Eagerly awaiting tomorrow to see if he can talk to them.


A/N: I am pumped! I might do the third one to make sure that I don't loose the idea. Ciao, my lovelies!!

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