Part 6 - Girl's, You Need to Train The Boy's To Fight Like You

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In the chipmunks Dimension, Same Day, On the Technodrone
Mikey had thrown down smoke bomb to give the turtles, chipmunks and chipettes some cover while they escaped the Technodrone
"Not much further now dudes" called Mikey
"Ok everyone, grab onto me or Raphael and us turtles will use our grappling hooks to land on the ground safely" explained Leo
"Come on Brittany onto Leo's back!" Called Alvin
"But I don't know these guys, how can we trust them?" Asked Brittany
"Brittany I will explain everything later, just trust me and grab onto Leo's back with me" replied Alvin
Brittany nodded and her and Alvin jumped onto Leo's back
"Come on Eleanor let's do the same but onto Raphael's back" called Theodore
"Ok....I hope these turtles are friendly though...." Said Eleanor in a worried voice
Eleanor and Theodore then jumped onto Raphael's back
"Simon it's not a good idea, what if the turtles get hurt and don't make it off here?" Asked Jeanette
"Don't worry Jeanette, we will all get off in time, I promise" replied Simon
Donnie looked back for Simon and Jeanette and they were quite far behind everyone else
"Mikey, quick get Simon and his girlfriend" called Donnie
"No problem bro" replied Mikey running back for Simon and Jeanette
Mikey grabbed Simon and Jeanette and run after his brothers
All the turtles jumped off the Technodrone and each of them pulled out a grappling hook
They all shot their grappling hooks at a lamp post and were swinging for a building rooftop
"Cowabunga!" Shouted Mikey while he was swinging
Once all the turtles had landed on a rooftop, the chipmunks and chipettes got off the turtles backs
"Great work up there!" Shouted Leo in a happy voice
"Thanks, am glad you liked our fighting skills" replied Alvin
"No not you three, I mean your girlfriends.....I'm sorry what are you three girls called?" Asked Leo
"I'm Brittany, this one with the glasses is Jeanette and the smaller one in the green dress is Eleanor" explained Brittany
"I would like to say well done! You three girls fight amazing and are nearly as good as us, if not as good as us" replied Leo
"Oh wow thank you" called Eleanor with a giggle
"Where did you three learn to fight like you did?" asked Donnie
" and my sisters have been going to a karate class for a few months now" replied Jeanette
"Well you need to train your boyfriends to fight just like you three, you girls did an amazing job up there and the boys were kind of embarrassing" explained Raphael
"What!" Shouted all the chipmunks in anger
"Chill out dudes, I'm sure that your girlfriends will help train you all to fight better..." Started Mikey
"And Raphael is right, you three were a little embarrassing" finished Leo
Leo then turned to the chipettes
"Ok girls, I want you to train the boys to fight like you three while me and my bros, discuss plans for the mission, taking the Technodrone down and stopping the Krang and that other talking Chipmunk" explained Leo
"Don't worry, we will train them for you" said Brittany with a giggle
"Thanks you three, we will come and drop by your house....Brittany?....once we have discussed our plan for the mission" replied Donnie
"What? You know where I live?" Asked Brittany
"Yea....we kinda told them where me and you live Brittany" called Alvin
"Anyway, see you later, good luck girls" said Mikey following his brothers across buildings
20 minutes later, at Alvin and Brittany's house
"Ok girls, I'm taking Alvin to our bedroom, Jeanette do you and Simon want to go into the kitchen? and Eleanor do you want to go with Theodore into the living room?" Asked Brittany
"Yea we can do that" replied Jeanette
"Yes of course sister" replied Eleanor
"Ok, will see you all later......come on Alvin, upstairs with me" called Brittany
Alvin followed Brittany upstairs "I'm not your pet dog you know! You can't just boss me around!" Said Alvin in an angry voice
"Calm down Alvin, we are going to our bedroom" said Brittany in a more calm voice
Alvin then smiled "Are we going to have some fun in there?" Asked Alvin
"What? No Alvin! One of the turtles asked me and my sisters to train you three so that's what I'm going to do" replied Brittany
"Oh right...." Said Alvin in a sad voice
Brittany opened the bedroom door and walked her and Alvin into the bedroom. Alvin sat on the bed and Brittany sat next to him. Brittany then put her hand on his shoulder and spoke up
"Alvin....I know it's a bit embarrassing for you and your brothers to get shown up by us girls but if we train you then it won't happen again, plus this can help save our kids" Brittany explained
"What? How can it help our kids?" Asked Alvin a little confused
"If we don't train you then we could get defeated by them Aliens and then they could destroy our world....and our kids, we need you and your brothers to help us girls and the turtles" persuaded Brittany
Alvin smiled at Brittany "Don't worry Brittany, we will stop the Krang and make sure our world doesn't get destroyed, I just need you to teach me a few basic fighting techniques that's all" replied Alvin
"That's the spirit, now watch me and then copy afterwards" said Brittany getting off the bed
Brittany did some karate chopping actions in different directions and then she asked Alvin to copy her. Alvin copied Brittany and she was kinda impressed
"You just need to be a touch more angry when you do it for real, but otherwise that was good!" Explained Brittany
"Thanks Brittany, what's next?" Asked Alvin
"Hold your house dear, I want you to do it again first but with me" replied Brittany
Alvin and Brittany did the same karate chop actions again but they did it together and it helped Alvin improve
"Great job, now I want you to jump off the wall and do a karate chop me first then you try" explained Brittany
Brittany jumped off the wall and karate chopped downwards. Alvin then tried but he fell down instead of jumping off the wall
"Don't worry Alvin, it takes some practice, now have another go and I will help you" said Brittany with a caring smile
Alvin tried again but didn't do a lot better "Hang on Alvin, you need to jump off the wall quicker and jump higher" Brittany pointed out
"Ok, I will try that..." Replied Alvin
Alvin did what Brittany said and it worked out a lot better, of course it was not as good as when Brittany did it but she has had a lot of practice
"Well done Alvin, that was much better" said Brittany in a happy voice
"Thanks Brittany, shall I keep practicing?" Asked Alvin
"Yea, have a few more tries and then I will tech you something else" replied Brittany
With that, Brittany had started training Alvin to fight like her and her sisters, however that was only the beginning of Alvin's training. Brittany had much more to teach him first before she was ready to let him fight the Krang again
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, hope you liked this part. How do you think the training is going for the chipmunks from the chipettes? Do you think it is going well? Do you think Alvin, Simon and Theodore will be able to learn some karate moves from the chipettes in time for the mission? Let me know in the comments below 👇
Also I have an important question to ask you all and would like an answer in the comments below if you don't mind. For the next part, would you like me to continue with Alvin and Brittany training and add Simon, Jeanette, Theodore and Eleanor training too? Or would you like me to move on from the training and continue the mission on taking the Technodrone down? Please leave an answer to this/these question(s) in the comments below, I would really appreciate it and it would help me to plan out the next part too 😉🤗👍
Also, if you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face or a slice of pizza in the comments below 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, will update again as soon as possible 😋

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