Prologue. Fall awake

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“Are you sure
That we are awake? It seems to me
That yet we sleep, we dream.”

William Shakespeare.
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Sunsets are spellbinding. It's impossible to explain the feeling of your heart, when you watch the sun slowly sink into the horizon, its warmth harboring you and the rest of the world.

I stand on a shore, unable to look away from the golden circle glowing above the turquoise sea. It blazes like a fire. It seems one more second and the fire will fade away. Disappear. And the whole world will disappear along with it. Fall into hopeless darkness till the end of times.

But the fire refuses to die, keeps resting on the water. And I keep looking. I'm so lucky to be here. A warm breeze soothes my skin and sings me to sleep.

The coral pink clouds merge with a soft mist, the line between the sky and the sea vanishes. The earth and the heaven are inseparable any longer. Behold the glory of Mother Nature.

Right behind my back is a forest, a few silver stars shining above it, a stream babbling among the trees.

The time has stopped. The water is the only thing alive in this hypnotizing stillness. This is the place everyone surreptitiously seeks. This is the place where your troubles cease to exist. Where you are alone, but not lonely. Where you are lost, but not oblivioned.

I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with happiness. Not without an effort, I turn away from the shore and walk into the woods, following the sound of the murmuring water. I don't know where I'm going, but it's not important. My soul knows the path I'd chosen is the right one. You should let your soul make decisions. They're the only ones true.

Majestic trees soon surround me, the moonlight outlines their dark silhouettes. The night falls.

In no time, I reach the forest river. The place is so peaceful I wish I can stay, forget the city hustle, the anxiety of a daily routine. I wish to forget for the rest of my life or at least for this one night. The night that will last...

"...forever," I whisper under my breath.

A shadow slips through the bushes. A sudden movement startles me a little, but not scares me. I peer into the blackness, but there's nothing. Maybe, it was a restless bird. Maybe, an unquiet rabbit. No danger can lurk in this corner of harmony, in this sanctuary of bliss.

I stop by the river, trail my hand in its chilling waters. Perfect. I'm home.

The shadow returns. The human shadow, I can see it now. It approaches and halts several steps away.

It's him. But who is he? I feel an agitation arise in my chest. The agitation, verging on awe. His copper brown eyes meet mine, and a smile tugs on the corners of his thin lips.

I smile back. "I've been waiting for you." Have I?

He's younger than he should be, not more than eighteen. But I'm young too. His auburn hair frames his face. He looks me straight in the eye, searching for something within my gaze. Let him. He'll find what he's searching for.

"Kah twam?" he finally speaks, his voice amiable, yet demanding.


"Kah twam?"

"Sorry, I don't understand," I shake my head lightly. Why can't I understand though?

His eyebrows shoot up, a dubious gleam flicks in his eyes. "That's impossible. What are you doing here then?"

"And where am I exactly?"

"You don't know?"


He's alarmed, almost frightened. "You cannot be here, you're—" His voice breaks off. His figure blurs. The sanctuary evanesces.

 The sanctuary evanesces

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