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Friday 22nd December 2017

Taro's eyes slowly opened, looking around the hospital room. His girlfriend was still asleep beside him, and he was kinda concerned. She'd spent all of yesterday sleeping, and he was slightly worried she had slipped back into a coma. He saw the DVD on the player, and he got curious. He saw the words 'WATCH ASAP' written on the disk, and was curious. He gently woke up Info-chan, relieved when she opened her eyes.
"Hey baby. I found this disk left on the portable DVD player. Should we watch it?" Taro asked anxiously. Info-chan tried to sit herself up, nodding her head. He set up the player and watched the video in horror.
"Babe?..." Info-chan asked fearfully, looking up at him when the video ended. She had small tears in her eyes, petrified Taro was going to leave her to 'save' Oka. They didn't know Ayano had let her go as soon as she had finished recording.
"Don't be scared, darling. I'll keep you safe forever. I'm sure Budo and Osoro can help Oka anyway." Taro told her, hugging her tightly. She wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling up to him. She didn't want Taro to leave her. He wasn't going to leave her anyway. She was his world, he cared way too much to leave her when she was so sick and there was someone who wanted her dead. He would've stayed where he was, but the door opened which caught his attention. The person at the door was Nemesis. Megami had sent her to talk to them and ask if anything that happened.
"Hello." She said blankly, looking at them. "Are you both okay?" She asked. Taro sighed and shook his head. Info-chan didn't even bother responding, too shaken up by the video. "What happened?" She asked, coming further into the room.
"Ayano broke into our room and left this for us." Taro told her, handing Nemesis the disk. She took it, inspecting the disk. "Would you be able to let Budo and Osoro know what's on the disk?" He asked. She nodded her head.
"I will. Thank you." She silently left. She didn't have anything else to say. She had to get this disk to Megami at once so she could see what was on it that had made them so shaken. It was from Ayano, so that probably had something to do with it.
"On my life, I'll keep you safe. Trust me." Taro said quietly to her. She nodded her head a little. Of course she trusted him, why wouldn't she?

Nemesis walked calmly over to Megami, tapping her on the shoulder when she saw Megami hadn't noticed her. She turned around, smiling a little when she saw Nemesis.
"Did you get anything helpful?" Megami asked. Nemesis nodded her head, handing her the DVD.
"They both seem shaken up by this DVD. I haven't seen it yet, so I can't tell you what's on the video." Nemesis told her. Megami nodded her head, putting it on her laptop so they could watch it together. Megami and Nemesis were horrified by the video. The purple haired girl grabbed her phone and called Shiromi. "Hello?... Yeah, it's me... listen, I need you to do something for me. Can you go to Ruto-san's house and check on her for me please?... yes, it's important...
Okay good. Call me soon as you know how she is... thank you... goodbye." She hung up. Nemesis was silent the whole time, waiting to be spoken to since speaking out of place earned her a shock from the collar.

Oka was sat at home with a mug of hot chocolate with little marshmallows when she heard a knock on her door. Osoro got up and answered the door. She and Budo were with Oka, as she had begged them to stay with her until Christmas Eve, since they were going to stay at Budo's house that night anyway. Osoro opened the door, frowning when she saw Shiromi. Osoro didn't have the best relationship with the student council, and that didn't look like it was going to change any time soon.
"Oh, hello. Is Oka there? Megami requested I come to check on her, she didn't say why." Shiromi told her. Osoro scoffed, looking at Oka.
"She's fine, thank you." Osoro told her. Shiromi nodded her head and thanked her before walking away. Osoro closed the door, going back to the others.
"What was that about?" Budo asked. Osoro shrugged her shoulders, confused. Oka sighed quietly as she took a sip from her hot chocolate. She hadn't told Osoro or Budo what had happened with Ayano yesterday. She was unharmed and didn't want to be babied by them when they were being overprotective of her.

Shiromi called Megami back as soon as she knew Oka was safe and unharmed. That left Megami very confused. Why would Ayano kidnap Oka solely for a video then set her free? That was quite stupid of her honestly. Megami sent Nemesis back to the hospital to let Taro and Info-chan know Oka was safe and they didn't have too much to worry about. Ayano couldn't harm them.

After Nemesis left, Taro stayed with Info-chan. He wasn't leaving her side for a moment. She looked up at him with her large eyes.
"I'm scared, Taro. What if she comes back and tries to kill me... and actually succeeds?" She asked fearfully, shaking slightly. For someone so fearless, seeing her like this was breaking Taro's heart. He held her close, hugging her quietly.
"Don't be scared. I'm never going to leave your side. If Ayano even thinks about it I'll break her neck with my bare hands!" He swore proudly, grinning. She quietly giggled. The idea of Taro breaking Ayano's neck without a weapon was amusing to her, but she wouldn't want him to do it because then he'd go to jail and be away from her. Taro blushed and kissed her passionately, and she didn't hesitate to kiss back. "As long as Earth is turning, I'll keep you safe. I promise, my love."

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