Virgin (Dean)

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"Dean, I can't go," you protested, moving to the other side of the motel room to sit on the edge of the bed.

"What do you mean you can't go?" Dean asked, confused as he stood over you, looking down with a furrowed brow.

"I know it's one of your first hunts (Y/N), but there's no need to be scared," Sam tried to reassure you from his seat at the table, laptop open with half his attention on some sort of research.

"Yeah," Dean agreed. "We'll be there too, have your back," he explained, looking over to Sam for support and recieving a firm nodd.

"It's not that I won't go, it's just that I can't," you sighed, not looking either of them in the eye, slightly embarrassed, rubbing your hands together in your lap to try and expel the awkwardness that was sure to magnify.

"(Y/N), it's only a dragon, it's not that bad," Dean assured you.

"Dean," Sam gasped slightly in realisation, causing you to cringe at what was to come next. "Think about it," he pondered, the cogs turning in his head. "Dragons take young virgins..." Sam trailed off to let the new information sink in.

"No way," Dean scoffed, shaking his head and stepping back slightly. It was obvious he thought it wasn't true.

"Way to be subtle Sam," you whisper-yelled in his direction, face palming as he just replyed with a mouthed 'sorry' and a sad smile.

"You?" Dean asked with slight judgement. "You're like ..."

"22," you replied quietly, eyes casting back down to the floor in shame.

"Damn," Dean whistled, his head shaking again as he pased the room.

"Dean," Sam warned, clearly very sympathetic about the situation.

"What are we gonna do?" Dean sighed, finally sitting down on the couch, his eyes flickering from you to Sam. "We need you on this one," he said, defeated as he turned to you.

Sam coughed from behind you, causing both you and Dean to turn to him. He gave Dean a knowing look which Dean returned. Dean then turned his attention back to you for a split second, before turning back to Sam, giving his head a nodd to motion Sam out of the room. Sam obliged. He put on his jacket, took his laptop and the keys to the impala before muttering something about going out for food as he left, shutting the door behind him.

There was a slight awkward silence after Sam left and you were sure Dean could hear the thumping of your heavy heart beat. You clenched your eyes shut still feeling the embarrassment redden your cheeks.

Dean Winchester; maybe the biggest player you knew, the man you had constantly tried to beat by telling him about the many times you'd "done it" and how "great it was", all the times you've bragged, now knew the truth. He knew that you had lied to him, that you had made it all up and now you sat alone in the same room as him, in dead silence.

Breaking the quiet, you heard his cautious footsteps as you felt his presence move, his muscular body coming over to perch next to you on the edge of the bed.

After another few seconds of plunging back into silence, Dean spoke. "Do you trust me?"

Answering him, you nodded, knowing that you'd trust him on anything even though you didn't know what it was.

"Then I have an idea," he stated with a hint of hesitance as if he felt like he might be crossing a line.

You felt his hand fall down softly onto your clothed thigh, the simple touch causing an intense heat to rise through your body. Your heartbeat quickened as your mind figured out exactly what he meant, but no matter how nervous you were, you knew you wanted this.

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